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Americans are being warned about disturbing spiritual and political trends in the U.S. that have played out with dire results in the UK and other nations.

Conservative commentator Calvin Robinson, an Anglican Catholic priest who recently moved to the U.S., pleaded with Americans to not just sit back and watch the left destroy the nation and its ideals.

“Please don’t do what we did,” Robinson, who now runs a full-time parish ministry in Michigan, said in an interview with The Christian Post. “Please don’t just sit back and let the liberals deteriorate the rest of everything that you know and love.”

“I got called to a parish out here, full-time parish ministry,” he told the outlet. “I’m just very pleased that it’s happened at a time when the U.K. seems to have imploded and entirely lost its common sense.”

He lamented the demise of Christian values in his home country which he previously said he believes is “on the cusp of civil war.” Robinson said he can see the U.S. going in the same direction.

“What we now call the ‘West,’ we used to call Christendom because it was built on Christian foundations,” he said.

“Essentially, they tried to remove Christ from Christendom,” he added. “And, of course, when you take out the foundation, the house will eventually crumble. And this is what we’re seeing in the West at the moment.”

“And so, without our Christian moral compass, without our Christian values, without our Christian ethics, without any of that, we are grasping at straws. And this is why we’re seeing some woke ideologies temporarily take the place of what used to be Christian,” the British cleric said.

“The Church of England has become very liberal in terms of divorce, sex outside marriage, same-sex relationships, transgenderism,” Robinson told CP. “And every time the Church tries to be more inclusive, it actually becomes more exclusive to Christianity and to Christian values, and more inclusive to worldly values and just further plummets that downward trajectory.”

“It’s a great shame,” Robinson added.

Robinson believed liberalism was “the greatest threat” to Christianity in an interview with Fox News Digital last year.

“[L]iberalism is even more warped [than Islam],” he said at the time, “in terms of taking something that sounds compassionate, sounds empathetic, but isn’t actually fully true in order to get people to believe in it, such as, you know, trans queer theory, gender theory, critical race theory.”

(Video Credit: Fox News Digital)

Speaking with the Christian Post, the cleric noted how traditional “British values” have all but disappeared as a multicultural ideology means “we just need to keep importing other people’s” values.

“These kinds of trends are happening in the States, too, I think,” he said. “Be careful. American culture is a fantastic culture. Hold on to it, promote it, encourage it. If you want to become multicultural and let other cultures in, that’s something you have to consider. But do not give it up to the detriment of your own.”

Despite the ominous message, Robinson said he still is hopeful.

“I don’t despair at all,” he said. “Despair is a sin. There’s no sense in despairing. As I say, empires rise and fall. So as this empire — the British Empire, or Western civilization — as it falls, it’s our duty to think big picture and remember that God has a plan, and He only permits things for a reason.”

“And so, it may very well be that it is time for this season to come to an end, but there will be another season,” he added. “And so we have to be a part of that. We have to be part of the rebuilding. Our hope is in the eternal, so of course our sight is set on the everlasting Kingdom to come.”

Frieda Powers
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