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The Left love to remind us what a devout, faithful Catholic Joe Biden is. He’s not, and if the media bothered to do even two minutes’ basic research, they would figure out the things Joe Biden supports — like abortion — are in direct conflict with the Catholic faith.


So, of course, they have no clue about basic Catholic teachings or things like feast days. Earlier this month, Ana Navarro made a fool of herself trying to dunk on Donald Trump for posting an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe — one of the many names by which the Virgin Mary is known — on Mary’s birthday.

Robert Reich has outdone her, however, by freaking out about Trump posting a prayer to St. Michael the Archangel:

Uh oh, is this that ‘creeping Christian nationalism’ we’re supposed to be worried about?

Take a chill pill, Bobby.

This is a normal prayer. This writer’s parish says it every Mass; her sons’ schools recite it daily.

It’s not terrifying.

Oh, also, today is the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel. So, yeah.



And a good thought.

A Google search would’ve helped clear this up for Bobby.

Now that’s truly terrifying.

And it wasn’t hard not to lie.


Also, hahahahahahahaha!


He’s a potato.

They’re too unhinged, though.

This made us laugh out loud.

Bob’s an idiot though, so he doesn’t realize this.

Totally wild.

Calendars are your friend, Bob.


Bob’s never gonna leave his house once he hears every Catholic in America has heard of — and probably said — this prayer at some point.

Really is. But also amusing.
