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Former Hawaii Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard shredded Democrat presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris, and said she is “wholly unfit to be Commander in Chief.”

The former Democrat, who supports former President Donald Trump, destroyed the vice president during an appearance on the Fox News show “The Ingraham Angle” with host Laura Ingraham this week.

She criticized the foreign policy of President Joe Biden and Harris and said that the vice president does not comprehend the consequences of a “nuclear Armageddon.”

“It’s the most dangerous moment of our lives, Laura. We cannot understate the seriousness of the position that we are in directly because of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden’s foreign policy and their action, their decisions,” the former representative said. “Kamala Harris is wholly unfit to be our commander in chief.”

“She clearly doesn’t know that we have service members in combat zones at war today putting their lives on the line. She clearly does not understand or care about the serious consequences of what nuclear Armageddon would mean for all of us, all of the American people and humanity in the world,” she said.

She also said that the vice president is fearmongering and using the talking points of the military-industrial complex as it pertains to the war between Russia and Ukraine.

“She is continuing to lie to the American people, saying, oh, first, you know, Russia, first it’s Ukraine, and then it’s the Baltic countries, and then it’s Poland, and then it’s all of these other countries and they want to take over the entire former Soviet Union all over,” the former representative said. “There’s no proof of this. There’s no evidence of this.”

“This is her spouting the talking points coming from the military-industrial complex who wants to continue to see, Liz Cheney and Dick Cheney, who want to continue to see billions of our taxpayer dollars taken out of the pockets of the American people and fed into these massive defense corporations and those who are profiting from war,” she said.

It is not the first time that she has criticized the vice president as, earlier this month after the Democrat nominee secured the endorsements of Harris, has received the endorsement of former Republican Rep. Liz Cheney and her dad, former Republican Vice President Dick Cheney, she said it proves precisely who she is.

“I have a very simple message for my Democrat friends, my Independent friends, those who may not be sure about who they’re voting for in this election. Dick Cheney has just made the choice very clear. A vote for Kamala Harris is a vote for Dick Cheney, the architect of everything that has gone wrong in the Middle East for the last few decades,” the former Hawaii representative said.

She continued to shred the endorsement when she spoke to former Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

“And so it’s interesting because if you listen to the New York Times or some of the other mainstream media, they’re saying, oh, you know, don’t expect much from Kamala Harris in the way of policies and details and plans, and we’re not going to know much about what kind of president she’s been there, working in the White House the last three and a half years alongside Joe Biden,” she said.

“She’s been the last one in the room, according to her, as these big decisions are being made. But we look at who she says, her response to the Dick Cheney announcement today was that she was honored to have his endorsement,” she said to the former Fox News host.

“And we got military veterans in the house. Got a lot of you who probably served in the Middle East like I did. And so it sickened me, Tucker, to read those words today,” she said.

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