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There is nothing more cringe-worthy than an out-of-touch woman trying desperately to be accepted by the younger generation, especially when done in the most stereotypical worldview that ends up looking like she’s mocking them.

Rosa DeLauro is a member of Congress and has just proved that America has a mental health crisis, as there’s no logical reason a sane person would elect her.

I am no expert on the lingo these days but I assure you this woman does not know the “hip” catchphrases. She likely comes from the generation that still thinks “groovy” is cool.

Not only is her behavior deeply embarrassing and objectively cringe, but her statements are equally stupid.

“We are not chasing the bag, we are the bag, and “Republicans Project 2025 is mad sus.”

Her behavior is “mad sus” and these things are not a joke. Can government officials just act normal? This benefits no one and it’s unfathomable how many times she’s rewatched it and laughed at her phone.

If she has time to make this video then that means she’s bored and has nothing to do and her government position should be terminated immediately.

This is not even funny, it’s cringe and immature and honestly makes her look special needs. And the fact that people like her are running this country is extremely concerning

“Democrats are making life smoother for government funding.”

What exactly does that mean? Smother for whom? If she is trying to win over moderate votes the least she can do is speak like a normal person. I also don’t think people who want “smoother government funding” would be fooled by this.

It should be illegal to be this cringe and serve America.

– YouTubeyoutu.be

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