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It was a rough Wednesday for Kamala Harris. Two things happened that, when they do, are never good for Democrats’ chances. One was that Kamala Harris spoke in public, and the other was that Joe Biden spoke in public. Whether or not Biden realized he was throwing Kamala under the bus is open to interpretation.

I know that you know that I know that you know what a disaster the Biden-Harris regime has been. The border crisis, grocery and gas prices, cost-of-living increases, inflation, etc. It’s been such a disaster that Joe Biden dropped out of the race because he was getting his failure stink on other Democrats. Now it’s Kamala’s turn, and the plan is to pretend that she had nothing to do with the last four years and/or that they never happened.

That is hard to do when your boss tells the shrill harpies on The View, the most trusted name news for low-information urbanites, that you were responsible for EVERYTHING he was.

Kinda a rough day to tell people that Americans need to move past the failed policies that she’s proven not to work, and then ask voters to give you four more years to suck.

It is also a bad day to admit that Americans think the American Dream is no longer a thing. Not only was Kamala in charge for the past four years, but the people who run her have been in charge for twelve of the last sixteen years. So when Kamala says the failed policies of the past have destroyed the American dream… take a look in the mirror, Becky.

The funniest thing about Kamala is that the interviewer, Stephanie Ruhle, just said on Friday she was a Kamala support and that Kamala shouldn’t have to answer questions. Hence, Ruhle is the one chosen to “interview” Kamala. And Kamala still choked,


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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