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Parents were banned from attending their daughters’ soccer games for wearing armbands with “XX” written on them. It’s unclear if the supereminent realizes she’s in America, but this is definitely not constitutional.

According to The Post Millennial:

Parents of high school athletes in New Hampshire have been banned from attending their daughters’ soccer games over the wearing of pink armbands with “XX” written on them in protest of the inclusion of biological males on female sports teams.

According to the NH Journal, several parents showed up to the Tuesday night soccer game between Bow High School and Plymouth Regional High School sporting the armbands. Several parents had previously raised the issue to the school’s athletic director, Mike Desilets, about their Bow students competing against a team with a biological male on the roster. The parents had been told there was nothing they could do after a federal judge in New Hampshire had blocked the state from enforcing its ban on biological males in female sports.

At the Tuesday night game, officials stopped the game, demanded that the armbands be removed, and issued “No Trespassing” orders against at least two parents.

LOL. What kind of wannabe-tyrannical nonsense is this? We can almost be certain the school would not have taken issue if it was a rainbow bracelet, and it’s unclear where they found the nerve to act in such a blatant violation of the Constitution.

One parent, Anthony Foote, told the outlet, “My daughter’s playing in the homecoming game this weekend, and I’m banned until the 23rd. I can’t watch her play in homecoming — which is ridiculous.”

Foote was issued an order, signed by Superintendent of Schools Marcy Kelley, stating, “You are hereby prohibited from entering the buildings, grounds and property of the Bow School District. You are also prohibited from attending any Bow School District athletic or extra-curricular [sic] event, on or off school grounds.”

So I checked all the laws in public school and there is no clause where a superintendent can demand the removal of pink armbands for being politically incorrect.

I really hope the board of education fires the superintendent because it’s extremely concerning that that is who is in charge of education. The fact that a public school employee feels emboldened to act like such a wannabe dictator as if she has the right is not a good sign of what they are teaching the kids but it’s clear she believes girls’ sports should not exist and that should also be grounds for termination.

Superintendent of Schools Marcy Kelley is a wannabe tyrant on a power trip and must be terminated immediately. And if she’s not the district better get ready for a lawsuit.

– YouTubeyoutu.be