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When you travel to another country, you’re going to experience cultures and cuisines and practices you’re not familiar with. We thought that was common knowledge, but we were mistaken.


So when an X user decided to complain about a Japanese restaurant and its very simple menu, he got a lesson in tourism he’s not soon going to forget:

‘Disgraceful’? Really?

It is. It’s on this writer’s bucket list. She wants to see Tokyo before she dies.

An excellent point. They make it very clear up front what the menu consists of (in English, no less!) and — while this writer has never been to Japan, she’s going to assume there are many restaurants to choose from.

And seethe.

This made us chuckle.

It makes us cringe in embarrassment.



Yeah, don’t be that guy.

‘But this place isn’t vegan so 0/10 stars!’ – that guy, probably.

It sure is.





Excellent question.

Hahahaha. Perfection.

The perfect meme doesn’t exis–

Pork and chicken.

A delicious combo.

Thanks. Now we’re hungry.

Oh, and businesses — in Japan and elsewhere — can run their business the way they see fit.