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Remember Joe Biden? He’s the guy who shuffles around followed very closely by a man with a suitcase. The valise is affectionately called the “nuclear football” and contains the codes that would end human civilization if activated.


Generally speaking, it’s a good thing if the person who is supposed to decide whether to use those codes or not has (most) of his wits about him. If not, you should probably grab your ankles, lean forward as far as you can, and …

You know ther rest.

That Joe Biden is still the president of the United States — at least, in name — is frighteningly irresponsible. Top Democrats have known for months of his mental decline. His aides have known far longer. That they will not suffer the consequences for putting this nation and the world at risk is a great injustice.

I certainly hope historians denounce them for placing their petty ambitions ahead of the safety of humanity. 

The latest episode involving Joe Biden and his total unfitness for office occurred yesterday at a press conference during the Quad Summit at his home in Delaware. After giving some desultory remarks about the summit Biden froze like a side of beef in a Kansas City meat locker.

 “Uhh, who am I introducing next? Who’s next?” Biden shouted after finishing up his prepared remarks.


Times of India:

US President Joe Biden, during Saturday’s Quad summit that he hosted at his hometown in Delaware, went blank immediately after his speech as he couldn’t remember who to call next for the address.

“So I want to thank you all for being here. And now, who am I introducing next?” Biden asked after completing his speech.

After a brief and awkward pause, Biden asked again, “Who’s next?” – – clearly snapping at one of the staff.

A staffer called PM Modi on Biden’s behalf — making the incident of the latest gaffes the outgoing US President has 

A staffer called PM Modi on Biden’s behalf — making the incident of the latest gaffes the outgoing US President.

Perhaps it’s because I lived through the worst of the Cold War when, as a school child, we practiced “duck and cover” even though it was a bad joke.. There was no place to hide if a nuclear bomb went off near enough to see it. This futile reminder served as a constant reinforcement of the psychological terror that we could be incinerated in seconds.


We used to care about things like the president’s mental acuity. Not anymore. We’ve become complacent despite the paranoid menace in Moscow who finds it amusing to threaten to use nuclear weapons. Perhaps because it’s such a surreal notion that Vladimir Putin would ever use his nukes, we’ve practiced our own modern version of “duck and cover” to hide the truth of our peril from ourselves.

Everyone knows Joe Biden shouldn’t be in office. That he continues to stagger around and demonstrate his unfitness to serve time and time again reveals a selfishness of spirit on his part and a cynical betrayal of the American people by the mass media.