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Tempers flared on CNN when political commentator Scott Jennings correctly pointed out that Democrats are the top source of the troubling wave of anti-Semitism that has erupted in America.

In recent years, the Democratic Party’s “big tent” has expanded to become a haven for Jew haters after it welcomed the progressive firebrands known as “The Squad” and their open hostility to Israel over the war on Hamas in Gaza has inspired campus and other protests that are one step away from becoming pogroms.

With Democrats and their toadies looking to smear Donald J. Trump as being hostile to Jews by distorting his remarks to the Israeli-American Council summit, the sparks flew on Friday’s edition of “CNN This Morning” where Jennings dared to call a spade a spade, drawing fierce pushback from his fellow panelists.

(Video: CNN)

“Let’s talk about what’s going on on all these college campuses,” Jennings said. “Let’s talk about what’s going on on the streets in New York City, and he is talking about the policy. He did have strong pro-Israel policies. He did take a hard line against Iran, and right now, the U.S. government is constantly…”

Jennings was then rudely interrupted as he tried to make his point that “the antisemitism problem in this country is on the left, it’s not on the right.”

“No, no, no, no, no, no,” insisted Trump-hating pollster Sarah Longwell of the neocon Never Trumper website, The Bulwark. “It’s with the presidential nominee.”

CNN anchor Kasie Hunt then played the Nick Fuentes card, referring to the controversial commentator who was brought to a dinner event at Mar-a-Lago by rapper Kanye West in a highly suspicious move that allowed the media to accuse Trump of palling around with antisemites.

“Scott, I’m not here to dispute that. We have seen antisemitism on display in college campuses, that point is taken but also this happened with Donald Trump that he dined with Nick Fuentes,” she said.

“Mark Robinson, Holocaust denier, nominated,” Longwell crowed, referring to the embattled black North Carolina gubernatorial hopeful whom Trump once referred to as “Martin Luther King on steroids” but is now the target of a CNN-led media hit job over alleged comments that he once made on social media.

“Unbelievable,” Jennings said, adding, “If you guys want to draw, if you guys want to poo poo what we have seen on the streets of America in the wake of October the 7th, the amount of anti, ugly antisemitic people ripping down the posters,” before panelist Maya Wiley reeled off a self-righteous, race-infused spiel.

“It is ugly. And that is why we shouldn’t nominate a president who dines with white supremacists, who makes one of his key allies…,” Longwell said, doubling down on Nick Fuentes, who has greatly benefitted from the importance that the left-wing media has bestowed upon him.

“Make apologies for it on the left,” Jenning shot back. “Go ahead. I’m not going to do it.”

“You are denying that exists on the right. You were stumping for Trump in a way that tries to ignore that he had, he himself dined with a white supremacist. He cozied up to Marjorie ‘Jewish space lasers’ Greene,” Longwell said, going to a smear of the congresswoman from Georgia, a loyal Trump ally.

After more heated back and forth with Jennings getting bludgeoned by Nick Fuentes, Hunt restored order to the segment which had gone off the rails.

Chris Donaldson
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