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Undecided Black voters in Georgia revealed what they would be most dreadful for if Kamala won and admitted how everyone and everything is far worse under the Harris-Biden regime than Trump.

According to a recent NAACP poll, 25 percent of Black men under 50 plan to vote for Trump. This is not good news for the Dems, as even the slightest decrease in minority votes could jeopardize their chances of winning the election.

According to The Daily Mail:

We went to Cobb County to speak to a panel of eight undecided black voters – and we discovered that Harris may have significant reason to worry.

Hayward, the oldest member of our group at 64 is retired and living on disability benefits. He voted for Biden in 2020 and is now leaning toward supporting Harris, but he has concerns.

‘My thing is her strength,’ he told me, angling forward in his chair. ‘You can’t be weak and hold that office.’ ‘When you have to face these other leaders from these other countries, are you going to have what it takes to stand there and throw punches like they throw punches?’ he asked of the Democrat.

This is a valid point. Kamala cannot physically prevent herself from breaking out in hysterical laughter the moment someone looks at her. It’s undoubtedly an unconscious strategy she uses when put in uncomfortable positions. That would not be too much of a problem in itself except that everything makes her uncomfortable.

She cannot even look at the press and Americans are supposed to believe she can negotiate with hostile entities like Hamas. Get real.

Mikael, a 32-year-old teacher and mom of three, thought Harris won the debate.

‘Everything that glitters ain’t gold,’ Mikael said. ‘It looks great on paper, but I’m not sure if it’ll translate to policies and if she’ll even be able to get it passed.’

While uplifting female Black voices might “sound good on paper” it does not equate to American excellence in itself, especially considering these are insignificant birth traits. Race has nothing to do with it, but the Dems make it seem it has everything to do with it.

Dontressa, 52, has a master’s degree and is now medically retired.

‘If you put her next to Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton, it’s like there’s no comparison,’ said Dontressa. ‘They would eat her up.’

Although I would never vote for Michelle or Hilary, indeed, they are not as weak as Kamala. The Dems could have picked any other woman but they chose the most radical puppet they could find at the expense of being capable of putting simple sentences together. And Although there was once nothing scarier than a Hilary presidency there is now nothing scarier than a Kamala presidency.

Leonard, the pro-Harris business owner, believed that President Trump ‘provided more jobs, more opportunities’ than Biden did.

‘If you look at the statistics now, we’re far more worse now than we were before,’ he said. ‘Everything is worse now with Biden and Harris.’

Hayward concurred: ‘Even though Trump didn’t make all the right choices, the economy just worked better under him. I think it was the overall business mindset that helped.’

So while money is not everything, it’s nearly everything in terms of the POTUS. Even Harris supporters admit it’s undeniable how bad the economy has gotten, as the media’s attempt to gaslight Americans that inflation is a myth did not work as originally thought. And if the Dems wish to convince voters their candidate will fix the economy they probably should have picked someone who does not have to stand on the record of the failing economy.

The average person just wants to know they won’t have to decide between groceries or electricity. So while the left pretends Kamala will help the little guy in middle America, she has destroyed the middle class faster than the Dems originally planned.

As the group agreed, Kamala is a “weak lamb” who will lead this country into calamity. This is why 25 percent of black men under 50 will not be voting blue this November, despite the content of Kamala’s skin.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com