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Kamala Harris held a town hall/variety show with Oprah Winfrey and pals (the list of celebrities was long and boring, like those in the credits of a Love Boat episode). 


After watching the clips, I am left to wonder: are there really two Americas? One in which people reflexively weep with emotion when vapid emotional appeals are fed to them and one in which people still have rational impulses?

When I look at the clips, I see lots of flashy graphics, emotional appeals, and a candidate for President of the United States mouthing total nonsense. Even the stories told by Oprah and her pals don’t support the narrative she is trying to push, but nobody seems to care about the reality at all. 

If Oprah says something, it must be true. Consider the Georgia abortion story. A woman dies from a botched abortion, and Oprah blames her death on laws limiting abortions. 


Kamala couldn’t have sounded more vapid and uninformed, but nobody seemed to care. It was as if using emotional terms and tones is a substitute for coherent language and policies. 

It was about feelz, or what Kamala’s campaign calls a “vibe.” Kamala will govern by vibes. 

Sure, that will solve our problems. Throw in a bit of JOY! and all our problems go away. We can own nothing and be happy or something. 

The entire livestream was filled with moments of great wisdom and emotion from Kamala. Word salads covered in the goopy dressing of fat-free Ranch dressing emotion, that vaguely resembles something we like but tastes and feels so off and that will likely leave you with anal leakage from the olestra. 


Does this appeal to Americans? If so, who? According to CNN, it is women. 

Women, you need to do better if this really appeals to you. To be clear, I think that married women with children see through this oleaginous goop, but single women worried about unplanned pregnancies not so much. 

Obviously, it does to some. Kamala hopes that this will activate the crazy cat ladies who form the core of her base. As men, including black me, flee to the testosterone-saturated Trump campaign, the Harris team is busy trying to reinforce their advantage with unmarried women whom they apparently believe are emotional wrecks dying to experience the JOY! of the Harris/Walz team. 


To stay sane, I have to believe that most Americans see this and are repelled. I have no particular feelings about Oprah, but I will note that she consorts with some rather unpleasant people. People whose support for abortion may have less to do with compassion and more to do with covering up their misdeeds. 

If large numbers of people are persuaded to sell their country down the river because celebrities tell them to, I don’t know what to think.

Are we done with rational thought? Possibly so.