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Next week, a gaggle of globalists will descend on the UN to rubber stamp the Pact for the Future, a new document from the kleptocrats laying out their goals for global government and universal neofeudal enslavement. What, you didn’t think the UN was an innocent organization devoted to world peace, did you? Well, you certainly won’t after this week’s edition of The Corbett Report podcast. United Nations delenda est.

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Here’s What’s Next on the Globalist Calendar

Interview 1814 – The UN’s Apex Body with Jacob Nordangård

Our Summit For Our Future – #SolutionsWatch

What is the Summit of the Future?

Latest Pact for the Future revision

Episode 087 – The UN Doesn’t Love You,

UN Peacekeepers raping children in Haiti and Liberia

UN Peacekeepers raping children in Ivory Coast and southern Sudan

UN peackeepers involved in gun running and gold smuggling in the Congo

A UNICEF program discourages breastfeeding in Botswana. Infant deaths ensue.

UN complicity in forced sterilizations of rural poor women in Peru

Polio vaccines delivered as part of a UNICEF program in Nigeria were found to be contaminated with sterilizing agents

Wilsonian “New World Order”

The WWI Conspiracy

Cordell Hull, in his 1939 Advisory Committee on Problems of Foreign Relations, drafted a plan for a global government with an “Executive Council” and a “General Assembly”

Hull created a Division of Special Reserach in 1941 to pursue a “future world order” involving a “world assembly”

Just weeks after Pearl Harbor, Hull set up an Advisory Committee on Postwar Foreign Policy—including not just government officials but the president of the Council on Foreign Relations and the editor of the CFR’s Foreign Affairs magazine—to work on the formation of a world governmental organization to birth the New Post-WWII World Order

SDG Goal 16: “Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”

Target 16.9: By 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration

UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy – Julian Huxley wants UNESCO to make eugenics “thinkable” again

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Three New Pacts to Be Approved at the UN Summit

The Foreboding UN Convention on Cybercrime

Canadian pandemic bill would regulate meat production, develop contract tracing

Japan Prepares Eighth Round of Vaccinations with Self-amplifying mRNA

Replicon: Big Pharma Preps the Next Bioweapon