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When I was a young man fresh into my teens, I was still in the thrall of the various left-wing philosophies, including the pro-choice movement. I even marched through the streets of my city in a pro-choice protest, shouting, “Women have died because of Hyde!” This, of course, was in reference to the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funding for abortions except in cases of rape or incest or if the abortion is needed to save the life of the mother. I was young, indoctrinated, and confident that I stood on the moral high ground. I firmly believed that I was supporting women’s rights and reproductive freedom. 


The concept of women’s healthcare has become a cornerstone of the abortion rights movement. It is no longer simply a matter of providing abortions, and Planned Parenthood often touts its array of treatments. But Live Action recently uncovered a spate of Google reviews that indicate that the treatment received by women during abortion procedures has, in many cases, been anything but conducive to women’s health. Author Isabella Childs writes:

Though strictly anecdotal, these reviews highlight the allegations of former Planned Parenthood patients — that many women have suffered from medical negligence, coercion, and a lack of maternal health services at Planned Parenthood facilities across the country. The following reviews were seen and collected by Live Action in August and September 2024. More than half of the reviews in this report were posted in 2024, just months prior to publication.

One woman who underwent an abortion at a Planned Parenthood office in Stockton, California, wrote:

I came in July 1 to get an abortion and the staff was so rude to me, also they left an embryo instead me which made me have abdominal pain and now I have to have surgery again! Not a good place to go. (sic)

A woman who had an abortion at a Planned Parenthood facility in Overland Park, Kansas, submitted this harrowing account:

This is about an abortion procedure I received at this clinic and I want to warn anyone reading, this may be very triggering. this was the most traumatic medical experience I have ever had and it was not because of the staff that were not involved with the procedure. they were mostly pretty nice. the attending supervisor Iman Alsaden was who I was informed would be performing the abortion on me. not only did I not get to meet any of the staff that performed on me before the procedure but Iman was not the one who performed on me and was not even in the room at all during the procedure to supervise. I got to meet Iman one time in the waiting area when they mistook me for another patient and asked who I was then immediately walked away when I wasn’t who they needed. I had two infections in the reproductive area before and during the abortion which I informed someone over the phone about before and several people at the appointment. I was told they would inform my providers and if I didnt get an appointment change to proceed. this can be deadly having an abortion with infection but they still did not change the appointment. Because I did not get to meet anyone who was actually performing on my I was not informed of the type of surgical abortion I would be receiving and I was not given the pill they gave other women there to prepare and soften my cervix for the procedure. when I was finally called in after waiting hours past the time my appointment was scheduled (I scheduled weeks in advance for this appointment and spent the entire day at the clinic) they gave me the IV sedation. the highest form of sedation they had is what I chose. that procedure was the most physical pain I have ever experienced in my life, and aside from what was in my IV the only form of pain medication they provided was an 800mg Ibuprofen. that won’t even help with a lot of women’s menstrual cramps. when the lady performing on me came in the surgery room(which looked like a storage room with shelves of boxes lining the walls) she gave me the shot of lidocaine in my cervix and did not wait even a minute for it to take effect before starting the abortion. they told me I could hold a stress ball and wiggle my feet but the pain was so bad I was struggling to keep my legs in the sterups and clenching every muscle in my body just to not cry out in pain. I talked to someone before the procedure and expressed my fear of the teneculum (a sharp pincher like tool that is used to hold the cervix open when it is not opening enough) they looked at me with concern and said there would be no need for that tool to be used that they would take their time and prepare my cervix so it would not need to be forced open. they did not prepare my cervix nor did they wait for the lidocaine to take effect. they did use the tenaculum on me. this itself was painful not even mentioning everything else that caused extreme pain. I had been informed not long before the procedure they would do it in 3-5 minutes, which concerned me because everything I had been told and that I had researched said the least amount of time that procedure can be performed is in 5-10 minutes. they didn’t even do that. there were probably 30 other women in the clinic that day and it was very clear to me they were rushing my procedure. during the procedure I asked them at one point to stop because of how extreme the pain was and the lady told me she would give me a few seconds and then continue. seconds. they did the procedure in less than 3-5 minutes. two days after the procedure when I was back in my home state I started getting extreme chills and extreme pain in my abdomen and woke up the next day with a fever. I had to go to the Emergency Room and they had to perform a D&C on me to remove all of the tissue the Kansas clinic had left behind. I got to see it and it was the same size as the baby before the abortion procedure just was not in the shape of a growing baby. I had an infection so bad I had to be treated with IV antibiotics and steroids. luckily for me I was treated at the ER before I went septic. (sic)


Another woman who went to the same facility recounted how she screamed in pain during her abortion, only to be injected with more medication. After the abortion, she experienced continued pain and clotting. She ultimately required another surgery. A woman in Smithtown, New York, told how the Planned Parenthood doctors pushed the embryo up further into her body before deciding to quit the procedure. They ended up giving her an IUD that she did not ask for, which then created an infection.

Yet another recalled an abortion she had at 17. She was allegedly given “twilight sedation” but was, in fact, given nothing. She was awake and alert throughout the entire procedure, during which the nurses held her down while she screamed.

The article links to multiple reviews of the medical personnel at Planned Parenthood centers that are guilty of incompetence at best. Or negligence. Or worse. But why?

Like gender transition surgeries, abortions mean money. A great deal of money. The reviews point to one of the darkest aspects of the Progressive movement. Despite what the Left may say about women, immigrants, LGBTQ people, or minorities, in true Machiavellian fashion, the Left sees them as a means to an end and a cash crop.