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For the last few years much of the media has considered trying to convince people the economy isn’t really as bad as they’ve been personally experiencing to be one of their primary job duties. 


That couldn’t have been more evident in the following clip of a CNN reporter on the scene at a MAGA boat rally who suggested this man shouldn’t be worried about inflation based on the fact that he owns a boat:

It’s hard to tell what’s worse: The level of smug or the determination to push Dem talking points to cover for the incompetent/disastrous “leadership” this country has had.

As usual, many “journalists” think their job is to argue with Republicans while serving up softball, open-ended questions for Democrats.

This is how it’s done (via @Unlimited_Ls):

CNN: “if you can afford a boat, you’re not hurting so bad, right? Because a boat costs a lot of money and it’s a lot of upkeep.” 

Trump Supporter: “Listen, nobody gave me s**t! I earned everything that I’ve got. I’m retired military, retired power plant, and I am successful and retired with boats, jet skis because I get it right, and everybody has that chance. Whether they choose or not, that’s up to them.” “…because I want my money to go further. I want inflation to go down, I want interest rates to go back down, I want all that, but that covers everybody in the economy. Not just me, not just the poor, not just the rich, it covers everybody.”



And that’s how it’s done!

The “you shouldn’t be complaining because you still own things” journo-splaining is just incredible.


Maybe there will be room in Trump’s Cabinet for him.