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There have now been two assassination attempts on Trump’s life in the last two months.

Almost as if people who may already be ‘off’ are hearing how dangerous Trump is to this country might have taken the Democrats calling him a threat to our democracy seriously. Suppose if you tell mentally unwell, dangerous people that they’re in danger enough they may eventually … oh we dunno, do something stupid.


Now, to be fair we do not know why the second gunman tried to take Trump’s life BUT we’re fairly comfortable pointing out how dangerous the Democrat’s rhetoric has been for the past DECADE.

And yes, there is far more than this but if we tried to include EVERY hateful, scary post about Trump from Democrats we’d be here all night and likely crash our servers. So we just picked a handful or so.

Heck, Hakeem Jeffries sent this one just a few hours before the shooting:

This one from Jasmine Crockett was just this morning:

John Harwood, of course.

And we couldn’t leave out Tim Walz!

Another from the guy who wants to be VP:



Couldn’t do a piece like this without including Adam Schiff.

There are a bunch from Schiff for Brains.

And of course, Liz Cheney hasn’t exactly helped tone things down, now has she?

But wait, there’s more! 

There’s always more.

They’ve been poisoning people for years.

And MSNBC wants Trump to tone HIS rhetoric down?!

And of course, we’ve saved the best for last.


Ok, she’s not the best but her rhetoric is definitely the worst.

As you can see, Kamala has called Trump a threat many, many, many times.


There are SO many, you guys.

She likes to claim this is not who we are …

But clearly, it’s who she is.



Network That’s Compared Trump to Hitler Blames HIM for Getting Shot at Again, Blames HIS Rhetoric (Watch)

RFK Jr. Supporters Point and LAUGH at Keith Ellison In Full MELTDOWN Mode Over Kamala Harris Internals

Gwen Walz Shows Her TRUE Crazy Colors – If You Thought Tim Was Bad, You Ain’t Seen NOTHIN’ Yet (Watch)

JD Vance Dishes Out EPIC Ratio on Krystal Ball’s ‘ARGLE BARGLE RAR Neo-Nazi Republicans’ Post and BAHAHA

Holy Hell-MUSTA-Frozen-Over, Batman! CNN Fact-Checks TF out of Kamala’s Attacks on Trump and JD Vance
