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Kamala Harris is a liar.

We know, we know. That’s not exactly news. But when our rights are on the line, it’s important to remind voters exactly what she’ll do if elected.


Kamala said during the debate she would not ban guns, and it would’ve been nice if David Muir did his job and fact-checked her. Why? Because back in 2020, Kamala told Muir she’d sign executive orders on gun control (a statement that made Biden laugh at her). 

Tim Walz also promised they weren’t going to ban guns, despite ample video evidence of Kamala promising to do just that.

And they were lying.

Because here’s Kamala, calling for an assault weapons ban. AGAIN.

Gun control advocacy group Newtown Action insists this won’t take away guns people already own, but we don’t believe them, either.

‘Big, scary guns we don’t like.’

Which is all of them.

How quickly she forgot.



Nailed it.

We’re doubtful she’s a gun owner, but if she is, we’ll hazard a guess that any gun ban she proposes would apply to her the same way gas stove bans apply to her. That is to say, not at all.

This would be entertaining.

With video this time.

They won’t because 1) they can’t and 2) because not defining it means you can make any gun an ‘assault weapon.’

She sure did.


It sure is.

Yes, they are.

We all remember it.

They do this because no media will call her out on her lie and ask her hard questions.