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America First Report

The Netherlands, under the leadership of Prime Minister Dick Schoof, has taken a groundbreaking step in European migration policy by announcing its intent to declare a state of emergency due to what it describes as an “illegal migrant crisis.” This move aims to facilitate the implementation of what the government claims will be the “strictest asylum regime ever” in the country, signaling a significant shift towards stricter immigration controls.

Key Policy Changes:

  • Opt-Out from EU Asylum Rules: The Dutch government plans to request an exemption from the European Union’s migration and asylum policies. This request, set to be formally presented to Brussels, reflects the Netherlands’ desire to manage its borders independently, potentially setting a precedent for other EU nations.
  • State of Emergency: By declaring a state of emergency, the government seeks to bypass standard legislative processes, allowing for immediate and drastic changes to asylum laws. This includes a temporary suspension of asylum applications to manage the current influx.
  • Enhanced Border Controls: The policy includes strengthening border security measures, aiming to curb the number of migrants entering the Netherlands. This aligns with broader European sentiments for more robust border management, as seen with Germany’s recent border control re-establishments.
  • Deportation and Legal Challenges: There will be a focus on deporting individuals without legal residence permits more swiftly. The government also plans to limit the avenues for legal challenges against deportation decisions, aiming to streamline the process.
  • Family Reunification Restrictions: New policies will make family reunification more challenging, part of an overall strategy to make the Netherlands less appealing to potential migrants.


Controlling Protein Is One of the Globalists’ Primary Goals

Between the globalists, corporate interests, and our own government, the food supply is being targeted from multiple angles. It isn’t just silly regulations and misguided subsidies driving natural foods away. Bird flu, sabotaged food processing plants, mysterious deaths of entire cattle herds, arson attacks, and an incessant push to make climate change the primary consideration for all things are combining for a perfect storm to exacerbate the ongoing food crisis.

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America First Report