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A cookie poll known for correctly predicting three of the last four presidential elections has former President Donald Trump winning.

Every election season since 2012, Lochel’s Bakery in Hatboro, Pennsylvania has been selling two types of presidential cookies — blue ones representing the Democrat Party, and red ones representing the Republican Party.

According to Philly Burbs, the poll has correctly predicted the last three of four elections, excluding the 2020 election.

“Lochel’s sold more than 31,000 Trump cookies to Biden’s 5,750,” the site notes. “Biden ended up winning by a 4.5-point margin. He also won Montgomery County, where Lochel’s is located.”

This year, the poll currently has former President Trump crushing current Vice President Kamala Harris.

As of Tuesday, the bakery had sold over 4,000 red cookies but only 400 blue ones. Speaking with Fox News early Friday morning, bakery owner Kathleen Lochel revealed that by then, the sales had risen to 5,200 blue cookies and 500 red cookies, meaning Trump was still ahead.

“I think that people support Trump all over,” she said.

That does appear to be the case.

“A lot of people are upset right now with the cost of things,” she added. “They’re venting to us.”

She and her husband are also struggling.

“Prices are very high for us,” Lochel explained. “We have not raised our prices in three years on almost all items. We’re trying to maintain the prices and have consumer confidence. But we’re getting to the point right now where my husband says this can’t continue. Things are just way too high.”

Tally Tuesday
This count DOES NOT reflect sales today. It is sales thru Sunday.
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Posted by Lochel’s Bakery on Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Incidentally, the one thing that saved her struggling business when the pandemic hit was her 2020 presidential cookie poll.

“In 2020, when the pandemic hit, we were almost at a point where we’re like, ‘Are we going to close the bakery? What’s going to happen?’” she explained. “And I sat the employees down, and we all agreed to do the cookies again. If it was not for these cookies, red and blue, we would not be here today from the cookies in 2020.”

It helped, she added, that one of Trump’s sons, Eric Trump, “unexpectedly” stopped by her bakery to buy cookies.

“The Trump name actually brings in a lot of business for many people,” she said.

Though Lochel’s Bakery ships nationally, only a third of the shop’s orders this year have come from out of state. The rest have come from Pa., where almost all the purchases have been of red cookies.

“We’ve only shipped seven packages of blue in the state of Pennsylvania,” Lochel explained.

Speaking separately with CBS News, Lochel expressed shock at the ridiculously high margin in this year’s results thus far.

“Currently, right now, as you can see, Trump is in the lead significantly,” she said. “And compared to the 2020 numbers, right now, year to date in 2020, the margin is astonishing.”

Of course, this isn’t making deranged, hateful leftists happy, as they’ve reportedly been inundating the bakery with hateful messages. But Lochel is adamant that for her, it’s all about business.

“It’s business, and who wouldn’t want to sell these?” she said. “Like, it’s creativity and that’s what you need. In business you have to be creative and think out of the box and get new people to come into your store, and in our case, shipping all over the United States right now.”

Plus, there’s no reason for leftists to be angry, according to Eric Plutzer, a political scientist at Penn State.

“I am sure Trump supporters would like to think that this is a harbinger of high enthusiasm that will lead to high turnout in November, but maybe while they are buying cookies, Biden’s team could be going door to door registering new voters,” he told Philly Burbs. “We have no idea.”

That’s a fair point.

Vivek Saxena
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