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Look, it’s a slow Friday in September. Normally, I wouldn’t even bother with a story like this. But, the news is slow – beyond simps begging Tua to retire – and this little TikTok is picking up some steam, so I’m gonna blog about it. 

One British mother has the internet all riled up today because she put a stranger on BLAST last week over his disgusting act by their hotel pool. 

What was the act, you ask? Well … he cut his toenails in public, and then dumped out the clippings right there on the spot. 

Gross? Well, this angry Brit thinks so, and the rest of the insufferable internet appears to be backing her. 

“I’m like, I know what sound that is, please do not let it be true, right near where I’m sitting,” she shared in the now-viral video. “So I’m reading my book, ignoring the sound… But I know exactly what the sound is. Some dirty pig is cutting their toenails — about 15 feet away from me.

“A man, a grown man, is cutting his toenails by the pool. I can’t. How am I so shocked by the nature of some people?”

I’m with the pig!

You know what? I’m with the stranger here. There, I said it. He paid for that poolside service too, you know. Did it say anywhere that he shouldn’t cut his nails? Nope. Didn’t think so. 

If I’m paying good money for a resort hotel with a nice pool, you better believe I’m gonna be cutting my toenails at ground zero. There’s zero, and I mean ZERO percent chance I’m walking my ass all the way back to the room just to snip-snip some toe clippings. Ain’t happening. 

Now, would I have dumped all of my evidence out in the open for everyone to see? Eh. Maybe. Maybe not. I think our British mom has a point there. That’s a bit excessive. 

As for the other reason why I’m siding with the alleged “pig” here? Basically, because all of Kate’s TikTok followers are siding with her. When the public all goes to one side, I tend to take the other, because that’s usually the right side. 

TikTok is insufferable. Why the hell would I want to agree with anyone on TikTok? I don’t, which is why I’m with the toenail man. 

Let’s check out some of the comments:

Why would you choose to do it round the pool and NOT in your room?! I’d be raging!!!!

That is filthy ignorant behaviour. also definitely something you do in private. 

Omg this is one of my icks. 


Eh. Grow up, losers. It’s the real world now. We have toenails to clip, and we ain’t going upstairs to our room to do it. We’re outside in the fresh air, and we paid for this hotel. Unless the sign says No toenail clipping allowed, I don’t wanna hear it.