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The importation of 20,000 Haitian immigrants into the small rural area of Springfield, Ohio, has caused serious problems for the residents of the tight-knit community. It’s a problem across the country; small towns that are already dealing with strained resources, decades of globalization outsourcing, inflation, and the opioid crisis are forced to absorb third-world invasions, subsidized with their own tax dollars. However serious this is for the residents experiencing the benefits of enforced diversity, the internet has responded with humorous takes on the unconfirmed reports from residents about missing pets and local wildlife. The power of memes shows that absurdist humor can tell a truth the media seeks to silence. Here are some of the funniest ones from X.

Blaze Media’s own
Logan Hall makes it clear that in the second Trump administration, voodoo sacrifices will not be tolerated.

Peachy Keenan’s tweet made the front of the Drudge Report and was shared by President Trump.

Logan Hall makes an impassioned plea for where we would send the people making America Haiti.

The indomitable
Jack Posobiec makes it clear that Trump will not stand for this.

Elon Musk couldn’t resist jumping into the fray. RIP, Snowball I.

Return managing editor
Peter Gietl showed a cat with a simple message for November.

Blaze editor in chief
Matthew Peterson advocated building an American ark to save the animals.

The Babylon Bee has been noticing some interesting culinary developments in the area.