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The fate of some incarcerated Jan. 6th rioters still remains unknown because the feds keep denying congressional Republicans access to them.

Missouri Rep. Eric Burlison learned this firsthand when he was turned away from the D.C. jail on Monday.


“I’ve just visited the D.C. jail. … I wanted to see firsthand the conditions that these J.6. prisoners are experiencing,” he said in the clip above. “Unfortunately, they turned me away.”

“I’m a member of Congress. I’m a member of the Oversight Committee that has direct jurisdiction over the city of Columbia. And unfortunately, they apparently don’t have enough room for me to be a part of the tour,” he added.

Burlison visited the jail after participating in an Oversight Committee hearing earlier that morning led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene. The hearing concerned the Jan. 6th rioters.

In her opening statement, Greene accused the Democrats and their “complicit media” allies of letting ultra-violent Black Lives Matter rioters off the hook while focusing all their attention on the Jan. 6th rioters.


The hearing occurred on the same day that Paul Bedard, the D.C. “secrets” guy who works for the Washington Examiner, published an interview with Jan. 6th rioter Stewart Parks.

Parks, a Nashville real estate broker and former one-time House candidate was sentenced to eight months at the Memphis Federal Correctional Institute on charges of trespassing and theft.

Upon arriving at the prison, Parks felt fear for his life, he told Bedard. But that fear soon evaporated as he discovered that he was a star.

Other prisoners “welcomed me in,” he said, adding that they made “sure I was comfortable” and ensured that “my time in prison wasn’t going to be difficult.”

Why? Because the other inmates respected the Jan. 6th rioters.

“I never had a fight or anybody, you know, put my life in danger or say anything insolent or menacing to me because of my involvement with Jan. 6,” he explained.

The inmates reportedly liked former President Donald Trump because he’d approved judicial and prison reforms. Inmates also claimed that the Federal Bureau of Prisons ran the prisons better under Trump.

“Things were better during the Trump administration, and the inmates felt it,” Parks said.

He added that the inmates also recognized that “I don’t belong there.”

Parks recalled what happened one time when he was returning to his prison unit.

“Someone yelled, ‘There’s a patriot, that’s a hero,’” he said. “And here I am trying to be lowkey, and I just couldn’t keep my head down because, you know, somebody was always yelling and pointing out that they were excited about me being Jan. 6, and they talked positive about the other inmates. I never once heard the inmates in the prison down anybody Jan. 6.”

That said, he warned that what he experienced at the Tennessee prison wasn’t what he initially experienced in the D.C. jail.

All this comes years after Greene and then-Rep. Louie Gohmert were granted entry into the D.C. jail in November of 2021.

“Notwithstanding the warm welcome from the inmates, the physical conditions in which they are held could only be described as inhumane,” Greene wrote in a follow-up report. “For example, cells in the January 6 wing of the CTF were extremely small, composed of a single toilet, sink, and a small bed cot. The walls of the rooms had residue of human feces, bodily fluids, blood, dirt, and mold.”

“The community showers were recently scrubbed of black mold—some of which remained. The interior walls of the common area were also freshly painted. According to the inmates, the U.S. Marshals had recently visited the area just days before, which caused a flurry of activity by guards to clean up the January 6 area while the U.S. Marshals were inspecting another area,” she added.

Read the full report here.

Vivek Saxena
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