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What we watched on ABC last night was not a debate.

It was an in-kind contribution from ABC to the Kamala Harris campaign. Americans turned in knowing it would be bad, but honestly, even those of us who have watched WAY too many debates and consider ourselves cynics when it comes to this stuff were shocked at just how bad this debate turned out to be. 


Debate implies the two parties running share their ideas and debate policy, it does not imply one candidate getting dogpiled by the moderators and the other candidate.

And that’s EXACTLY what happened.

Talk about a complete and total s-h-*-*-s-h-o-w.

As bad as we all think it was, looking at these stats, it was even worse:

They never once fact-checked Kamala and she lied WAY more.

They never once pressed Kamala for a follow-up and she said way less.

Trump knew it would be bad going in, and he did it anyway. And what’s frustrating to this editor is the number of people saying he should have known better or not let them get to him; it was a complete ambush but if Trump had refused they’d have claimed he’s afraid to debate her.



Mainstream media has been, is, and always will be in the tank for Democrats, which is a huge disservice to their profession and this country.

We expected it to be bad, but it was shockingly bad.

Noticed this as well ALTHOUGH our ‘favorite’ parts were when David Muir would say something awful about Trump and then ask Kamala, ‘Don’t you think so too, VP Harris?’

What a dbag.




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