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Yesterday, memes of Trump saving cats and ducks broke the internet. It also broke Eric Swalwell as he had a major meltdown after the House Judiciary posted a photo supporting our nation’s pets.


This is the only time you will hear him use the term “alien” and he only did that to intentionally mislead people as if the right is talking about spacemen. However, he used it to refer to Haitian migrants to prove a point. But even that made him uncomfortable, as evidenced by the reluctance in his voice and his stopping in the middle of his sentence.

Where is PETA when you need them?

According to The Daily Caller:

“What in the hell is this?” Swalwell said, pointing to the meme. “The chairman tweets ‘Protect our ducks and kittens in Ohio!’ because he goes down some crazy rabbit hole, completely debunked that aliens are eating pets? My God! Are you okay Mr. Chairman? Because last year for a very long time, you tweeted and promoted Kanye West as he was calling for genocide against the Jews and you kept it up, and now when we have victims coming here, you’re tweeting this nonsense. I don’t know why you would do this. I hope you’re okay. I don’t know if the aliens who are eating your ducks are in the room with us right now.”

Firstly, is Eric Swalwell okay? Secondly, how can this be “debunked” and who has debunked it?

What is up with Democrats demanding people disbelieve their eyes as if they don’t know a beheaded duck when they see one?

Does he think he knows more about BBQ cats than Springfield residents?

“But Mr. Chairman, this is a serious issue,” Swalwell continued. “These people have loved ones who have been lost and you tweeted this.”

What was the point of his meltdown? Did he think this would make him look like the sane one? Nearly every time this guy gets out his big postcards he makes himself look like a moron, although that’s not hard for him to do.

What does he think we should do about the “aliens” eating ducks and cats?

It’s unclear how many times he rehearsed his tantrum in front of the mirror but I hope that’s not how he imagined it to go in his head.

The fact that the left has imported the third world and subjected the cats of America to these barbaric and disgusting “differences” and his problem is an AI-generated tweet is evident of where his concerns stand, which is not with Americans suffering in Ohio.

The cognitive dissonance was very real with that one.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com