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Food is a way to learn, appreciate, and enjoy other cultures. The only people who take issue with such a nonissue are miserable lunatics. This is why it’s no surprise that a chef who tried to cancel an Australian woman for “culturally appropriating” sushi is being charged with domestic violence.

According to The Publica:

A Raleigh, North Carolina, chef who rose to prominence after attempting to have a white woman “cancelled” for “culturally appropriating” Japanese cuisine is now facing charges of domestic violence. Eric Rivera, who waged a digital war against an Aussie sushi restauranteur he labeled a “colonizer,” has been arrested for misdemeanor domestic violence, assault on a female, and assault by strangulation.

Who would have guessed that a man who went after a random woman’s business for no reason would also be charged with violence against a woman? Is it any surprise that this lunatic went after an innocent stranger for no reason at all and also allegedly strangled another woman? Are you shocked that the person who destroyed her livelihood may also hate women so much that he allegedly committed physical violence against one?

Rivera’s legal troubles come on the heels of his history of online controversies. Most notably, he sparked outrage in October of 2023 when he targeted an Australian-owned sushi startup in New York City. In a lengthy X tirade, Rivera labelled Sushi Counter’s owner, Alex, a “colonizer” for preparing Japanese-inspired food as a white woman.

It’s almost always the case that when a person tries and finds problems that don’t exist in a successful person’s life they are not only a pathetic coward, but also enraged with envy. This is why he resorted to emotional manipulation, as he knew the most naive, and emotionally weak-minded people would jump on any chance to project their insecurities on a stranger.

To find an issue with someone finding love, creativity, and enjoyment in culturally diverse food is as pathetic as one could get. Cuisine is one of the most socially enjoyable things humans enjoy and only the most miserable cowards would attack someone for that.

Rivera’s campaign against Alex ignited a firestorm of negativity against the establishment, and her restaurant was briefly “review bombed” on Google as social justice warriors flocked to give the Sushi Counter a 1-star review.

Sharing screenshots of Rivera’s comments, Anna Slatz, co-founder of independent news outlet Reduxx, said: “This guy launched an all-out hate campaign against a woman for opening an ‘Australian sushi counter’ to the point that she had to delete all of her TikTok videos and got review bombed on Google for being a ‘colonizer.’ Meanwhile he’s opening a ‘Puerto Rican izakaya.’”

Rivera soon after deleted his thread targeting Alex and her Sushi Counter, and began a mass blocking spree against those calling him out for his hypocrisy.

As previously mentioned, this man is an emotionally weak hypocrite who projects insecurities on successful women, as he desperately craves the attention they deserve. And if one is going to try and save the world from sushi colonizers, the least he could have done was stand firm on his actions and not cowardly delete his calls to action.

Rivera soon after deleted his thread targeting Alex and her Sushi Counter, and bOn August 17, Rivera was detained on charges of misdemeanor crime of domestic violence, assault on a female, and assault by strangulation. He was released from the Wake County Detention Center on August 20 after paying a bond of $7,000.gan a mass blocking spree against those calling him out for his hypocrisy.

Unclear exactly what happened but one Redditor claimed he was “a total dirtbag who abused his first wife.”

I cannot confirm he abused his wife, but there’s no doubt this man is a “total dirtbag.”

The most irritating thing about the unhinged, radical left is not that they try to lecture the world on things that are not real. It’s that they do so most arrogantly and pathetically while their whole life is a disaster.

Whether or not the domestic violence allegations are true, there is no doubt this man hates women, as only a raging misogynist would destroy a random woman’s career for no reason.

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