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If the media were honest just half the time, no one would think Trump was racist. Additionally, no one claimed such a lie until he announced his candidacy in 2016. The only reason people believe this is because of the media gaslighting the public to vote against their best interests. However, all it takes is a little “homework” to figure out that there is “a lot more to it.”

Not only does the media claim that Trump is racist, but they also slander voters that way, so much so that they imply Trump supporters are literally supporting Hitler.

One lifelong Dem decided to do what most Democrats would never do, which is research. And to her surprise, when you actually listen to what Trump is saying rather than letting PR crisis agents pretending to be journalists tell you what he isn’t saying, you realize the grave extent of the lies.

When a lifelong Dem realizes they have been lied to for so long it must be baffling. Can you imagine how shocking it is to come to that realization? Especially, when they spent a great deal of time hating the man.

She’s not alone, there are many lifelong Dems who have decided to vote for Trump. Millions of people have switched their political party to the GOP and that would not be possible without the unhinged media misinformation.

What’s even worse is that many people will vote for Kamala without knowing who she really is. Because according to the media, she’s everything that she isn’t, as they fail to press her the least bit on any issue.

Millions of people don’t stop affiliating with the Democratic party because the media is honest. Although, if the media were honest then millions would also switch political parties but that’s neither here nor there.

Kudos to her for acknowledging what she has but “research” should really be something people do before voting, as the Dems would be nothing without naive voters.