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Last week marked the third anniversary of when the incompetent Harris-Biden Afghanistan withdrawal led to thirteen service members being killed in a terrorist attack. Eight of the Gold Star families let Kamala Harris know where she can stick HER attack on Donald Trump for being the only one who showed up to pay his respects.

At this point, it’s not necessary to relitigate all the Harris-Biden failures. But some key points:

Worse than any of this in the eyes of the Democrat Party and the media (but I repeat myself) is that the incident and fallout was making Kamala Harris look bad. They needed a distraction. That’s why after the Gold Star Families invited Donald Trump to the ceremony at Arlington Cemetary, the media — I’m guessing after a Democrat strategist sent emails “suggesting” the media report it this way — created a nontroversy about Trump taking photos.

It wasn’t that Joe Biden, the president, was too busy vacationing to be there. It wasn’t that Kamala Harris, the vice president, was too busy campaigning to be there. Donald Trump’s taking pictures that the families wanted to be taken to commemorate the ceremony was an issue because of a regulation that says it isn’t permissible.

While the media was attacking Trump on behalf of the Kamala Harris campaign, the Kamala Harris campaign thought it would be a great time to attack Trump herself, saying in an X-Twitter post, “Let me be clear: the former president disrespected sacred ground, all for the sake of a political stunt.”

Do you know who did not think Trump disrespected sacred ground? The Gold Star Families who invited him. EIGHT of them released video statements blasting Kamala Harris over the gross attack and her responsibility for their loved ones no longer being with us. Remember, Kamala bragged about being the “last one in the room” when the withdrawal decision was made.

This is what happens when you run a very online campaign run by very online people. Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) have no clue how real people think. They legit thought that Donald Trump “breaking” a regulation was going to make him the bad guy. And that the wishes of the families for whom the ceremony was held don’t matter compared to a federal government’s rule about picture taking and an alleged incident between a government employ and a member of the Trump camapign. Biden and Harris, the two people responsible for there needing to be a ceremony, not showing up isn’t a controversy. Trump’s photographer is the controversy.

These are the same people who lack the ability to fathom how the police can back Trump. After all, January 6th happened! As opposed to ten years of riots before that, progressive policies that have made it more dangerous for police to make it home to their families, and a Democrat Party that’s made it clear they’ll throw cops under the bus if they think they can gain a single percentage point in the polls.

And as a side note from a former political consultant, as far as campaign tactics go, whoever had the idea to troll Kamala’s account with the videos of the family members needs a raise. It was brilliant.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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