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The legacy media went out of their way to elevate Mary Trump, the long-estranged niece of President Donald Trump, when she castigated her uncle and blasted her own family. Consider the nonstop coverage they’ve bestowed upon her:


Newsweek: Donald Trump “dissolving before our eyes” — Mary Trump

PBS: The Frontline Interviews: Mary Trump

BBC: Five shocking passages in Mary Trump’s tell-all book

Axios: Mary Trump joining Biden’s debate spin room

ABC News: Mary Trump’s interview with George Stephanopoulos

Washington Post: A Conversation with Mary L. Trump

NPR: Trump’s Niece Describes A Toxic Family Dynamic Where Kindness Was Weakness

The New York Times: ‘Too Much and Never Enough’ Review: Mary Trump’s Book on President Trump

NBC News: Mary Trump on whether she ever heard the president use a racial slur: ‘Of course I did’

Politico: What the RNC Looked Like to Donald Trump’s Neice

USA Today: Mary Trump’s Reckoning: The PTSD survivor has some advice for a traumatized nation

Every major media outlet in the Western world covered her story at least once. Some, like Newsweek, literally ran HUNDREDS OF STORIES about a woman whose sole claim to fame is sharing DNA with the former president. Hundreds! And not an iota of hyperbole on the quantity.

So, imagine what the media would do if — instead of a long-estranged niece — Donald Trump’s own brother turned on him! Could you imagine the avalanche of unending news coverage?! Once the floodgates were opened, we’d be drowned in the footage!


Interestingly, a parallel situation is currently going on with Governor Tim Walz, yet the legacy media seems oddly disinterested.

All we’re hearing are crickets.

Jeff Walz is the brother of the current VP nominee, and in March of 2023 — shortly after Donald Trump was indicted — Jeff took to Facebook to decry this injustice: “We’ve just become a third-world banana republic.”

After Kamala Harris tapped his brother, Facebookers discovered his post and wrote replies. Some told Jeff that he should speak to his famous brother about the situation, and here’s where Jeff’s responses got extremely interesting: He said he hasn’t spoken to his brother in eight years. “I’m opposed to all his ideology. My family wasn’t given any notice [that] he was selected [VP] and denied security the days after.”

Hmm. Sort of seems at odds with Walz’s newly-minted reputation as “America’s Dad,” doesn’t it?

When another commentator encouraged him to join President Trump on stage, Jeff wrote, “I’ve thought hard about doing something like that. I’m torn between that and just keeping my family out of it. The stories I could tell. Not the type of character you want making decisions about your future.” [emphasis added]


Hmm, Part II: What could those stories be? And what did they reveal about Governor Walz’s character that could turn his own brother against him?  

Surely, the same mainstream media outlets that hung on every word from Mary Trump — acting like she had just descended from Mount Sinai, providing great wisdom about her uncle to the unwashed masses — will blaze a trail to Jeff Walz’s house ASAP! And Newsweek will certainly publish hundreds and hundreds of articles about Jeff Walz’s perspective, accepting it as gospel. After all, these are fair, balanced, and impartial members of our media, and they treat both sides equally.


I suspect Jeff Walz won’t keep his face pressed to the window, awaiting all those news crews to arrive. It might be a while.