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Your income comes from your employer, who already pays a tax just to pay you. Then, you pay a tax on that money that was already taxed. Next, you use your taxed cash to buy things that are also taxed. And then once a year, you pay the government more money. That is on top of paying taxes just to live in the home you paid for and in addition to inflation, which is also technically a tax.

Unclear where the government got this power to tax the masses into oblivion, but the people from the Boston Tea Party are probably rolling in their graves right about now.

Several workers were shocked to discover their employer has paid over $272,000 to the government just for payroll taxes in the last three years.

The shock is real, as the average person could not comprehend the cost of running a business.

What is the logic behind giving the government money to supply someone with a wage? The owner couldn’t have said it any better.

“$272,000 just to pay people you will pay with your taxes as well, and then when you go and buy something you will also be taxed on something you purchase,” she said. “The US dollar is taxed one million times.”

Congrats to all her employees for just becoming fiscally conservative.

The best comment from the group: “We used to go to war over taxes.”

LOL. Now your taxes fund wars. What a coincidence.

That number does not include the employer’s income herself, which is also taxed, or the other taxes that come with running a business.

While small businesses are struggling more than ever before, the Dems are vowing that all problems will be solved if only the government taxed you more. Although Kamala wants the masses to believe her tax plan is intended to make the rich pay their “fair share,” the poor are the ones who really pay the price, as this burden is felt the most by employees and consumers.

An increase in corporate tax means slower wage growth and slower hiring periods. The rich guy won’t pay this burden but the little guy will. So while Kamala pretends she will tax millionaires and billionaires into oblivion, the burden rests on you, as the government extorts the masses to hand the fruits of their labor to people who don’t deserve it.

The less taxes people pay the better off everyone is.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com