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The vast majority of adults oppose men playing in women’s sports but sadly, the same cannot be said for Democrats. Although the government was never supposed to have the power to destroy the fairness of sports, that is currently the status quo. So much so that Sen. Jon Tester (D-Mont.) is paying athletes to endorse him to assist in doing just that.

Unclear how many women he will get to lobby against the fairness of girls’ sports everywhere, but Lily Meskers is not one of them.

According to Daily Mail:

Tester is in a tough reelection race in a deep red state where Republicans think they can pick up a seat in November.

And Lily Meskers, a junior studying journalism and D1 track and field athlete, says Testers and his backers were looking to pay student athletes at University of Montana at Missoula to make videos endorsing him.

Montana Together, a group backing Tester’s reelection, was willing to pay between $400 and $2,400 for ‘unscripted video endorsements on Instagram Reels,’ according to Meskers’ revelations on Montana Talks.

I would say that the Dems don’t need to buy votes but then I would be lying.

She also said that the group encouraged athletes to ‘inform your audience about Senator Tester’s track record in office and encourage him to maintain his support for these vital policies.’

It appears she is “informing” her “audience about Senator Tester’s track record in office” so shouldn’t she be compensated for that?

But Meskers says she and other female collegiate athletes were put off by the request because Tester backs allowing biological males who transitioned to female to compete in women’s sports at universities.

I don’t have to tell you it’s not possible to “transition” to female. The phrase is so misogynistic and anti-scientific that it’s comical that people say it as if it’s factual. But the left is pretending this is a thing and somehow that means they can destroy girls’ sports.

If they are going to change the rules that have been in place for all of human history then the least they can do is come up with something logical.

In 2023, Tester voted against the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, which sought to amend Title IX to ensure only biological females could compete in women’s sports.

How pathetic for him to think he is entitled to endorsements from people he hopes lose their lifelong dreams. He voted to destroy girls’ sports and that means he wishes female athletes lose everything they have worked their entire lives for. And the fact that he thinks a measly $400 – $2,000 will get them to forget that is idiotic.

There is nothing more reminiscent of the Democratic party than them demanding support from people they do everything in their power to destroy.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com