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Calgary is harassing a pastor and projecting their deranged insecurities onto him by claiming he committed “criminal harassment” for trying to follow the word of God.

Pastor Derek Reimer was found guilty of “criminal harassment” because he had the nerve to protest drag queen story time that the local library was promoting, which further proves that Canada has joined the anti-free speech, Western country bandwagon.

According to The Post Millennial:

Calgary judge Karen Molle has proclaimed a Canadian pastor guilty of “criminal harassment” for protesting a “drag queen story time” for children that a city library was hosting early this year.

Pastor Derek Reimer, was also found guilty of breaching his bail conditions, which bar him from protesting any LGBTQ event. Supporters of one drag queen story hour actually threw Reimer to the ground when he opposed an event. A video of the apparent assault gained global attention.

What is the “logic” behind drag queens reading to children? How does that positively promote anything? Someone should tell the left that it’s possible to teach children to respect all people without grown men dressed in provocative “drag” reading to them.

“A judge found me guilty today of criminal harassment for expressing my opposition towards drag queen story hour to a library manager set on hosting the event. For posting the video of our interaction on Facebook, and saying we’ll be back (to protest) if the event continues,” Reimer told LifeSiteNews.

When not demonstrating at drag queen shows for kids, Reimer is the head of MISSION7, an evangelical ministry to the homeless. The charges relate to incidents that occurred in Calgary from March 25 to Apr. 2, 2024. Reimer could receive up to two years in jail at his sentencing hearing and he told LifeSite that he will “be posting the sentencing date soon.”

In trans-progressive utopia, the only permissible religion is leftism and Canadians must “affirm” that as if it means something, rather than condemn it for the disgrace it is.

The pastor has been arrested numerous times for fighting the LGBTQ agenda and once, his van was desecrated with anti-Christian messages and Satanic symbols while he was imprisoned. Last year, Calgary passed a new “Safe and Inclusive Access Bylaw” that bans “specified protests” inside and outside any buildings owned or leased by the city.

Question: Do “hate speech” laws apply to people targeting Christians? Because it really seems as if the only religion one is allowed to hate is Christianity, even though that’s practiced by over 50 percent of Canadians. Comparatively, I don’t think the population of drag queens is nearly that high.

The reason why Americans should care about this is because Canada literally touches the United States, and they are always one step ahead of leftist insanity. First, it happens there but it always seems to make its way down to the states.

The pastor should be given an award but the Canadian legal system has some of the most deranged priorities and it’s unclear how many Christians will eventually end up in jail because of

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