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The network has supported pregnancy centers since 1975.

Photo by Melike Benli on Pexels.com
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Americans United for Life announced a new partnership Wednesday with Care Net, a network of pregnancy centers that advocates on behalf of 1,200 independent, affiliated pregnancy centers across North America. Through this partnership, AUL will serve as a legislative and legal resource for their affiliated pregnancy centers.

Rebekah Gantner, government affairs & public policy manager at AUL, will lead the organization’s advocacy efforts for Care Net’s affiliated pregnancy centers.

“We’re excited to join Care Net in their fight against the abortion industry on behalf of expectant mothers. I’m confident in Rebekah and the rest of our government affairs team as they inform and advocate on behalf of Care Net’s affiliated pregnancy centers,” said John Mize, chief executive officer of Americans United for Life.

AUL has been successfully working to stop several recent bills that have attempted to intimidate and force pregnancy centers to close. These bills accuse pregnancy centers of “false and deceptive advertising,” ban abortion pill reversal, require licensing and certifications to dictate their activity, terminate funding, and order studies to investigate them. Violations can include thousands of dollars in fines and even Class A misdemeanors.

AUL supports pregnancy centers by tracking legislation, advocating for the good of centers across the country, and being a voice in the halls of Congress and state legislatures. The organization also equips lawmakers with the facts by submitting testimony and testifying in support of legislation that uplifts and defends pregnancy centers.