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For Immediate Release: August 21, 2024
Contact: [email protected]

SBA: Taxpayers Will Foot The Bill for Elective Abortions Under CI-128

Helena, Mont. – Following the secretary of state’s certification of CI-128 on Tuesday evening, Montanans will vote on a California-style abortion measure this fall.

Pro-life canvassers with Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America are visiting voters at their doorsteps in Helena, Bozeman, Billings, and Missoula to educate voters on the ballot measure and the abortion records of Kamala Harris and Jon Tester. The field team’s work began in April with the goal of visiting the homes of 150,000 voters by Election Day.

State Public Affairs Director Kelsey Pritchard says SBA’s field team is not about to let up on the gas pedal:

“Montana allows abortion until a baby reaches viability and that apparently isn’t enough for the abortion industry and their political allies. Through this amendment, they are attempting to enshrine all-trimester abortion in the constitution for babies who could survive outside of the womb and force the taxpayers to fund it. The ACLU is champing at the bit to run to the courts as they have in Michigan under Prop 3 to require Medicaid to cover elective abortions at any point in pregnancy.

“As we go door-to-door to educate voters, it is clear this measure is far too extreme for Montanans. The people of Montana want to see progress in holding the abortion industry more accountable – not a free pass to go behind parents’ backs and put girls in danger by enabling abusers and sidestepping basic medical safety regulations. Our field team is fired up to stop CI-128 and ensure that abortion extremism costs Kamala Harris and Jon Tester on Election Day.”

In 2022, Michigan passed Prop 3, an abortion amendment similar to Montana’s and those being proposed in red states. When the legislature was unable to remove informed consent and guarantee taxpayer-funded abortion, the ACLU and abortion advocates brought litigation based on the amendment.

Montana currently requires that abortions be covered by Medicaid only when the life of the mother is at risk. Montana’s Supreme Court previously stopped several abortion laws relating to women’s health and safety from taking effect, including facility licensing, reporting, and requiring abortions be performed by doctors.

The abortion lobby is targeting seven red states with abortion amendments in 2024. In addition to Montana, the abortion industry is pushing extreme amendments to block pro-life efforts in Arizona, Arkansas Florida, Missouri, Nebraska and South Dakota.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America is a network of more than one million pro-life Americans nationwide, dedicated to ending abortion by electing national leaders and advocating for laws that save lives, with a special calling to promote pro-life women leaders.


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