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The Democrats like to ape the Communists, because, well, that’s kind of what they aspire to be. We all got to see it in full operation Monday night. And they call Republicans weird.

You know what’s weird? The President of the United States giving the first night speech at his own party’s convention, having been tossed from the ticket and made a lame duck. What’s also weird? That Biden, after being forced to read his own eulogy, left for a beach vacation, where it’s likely he will spend the next five months until he fades away completely.

Biden stood with his wife, who was there to rescue him should he completely lose the plot and start speaking to Chairman Mao. But actually, the president mostly stuck to the 72-point teleprompter text. Mostly.

Biden said he ran for president because of what he saw in Charlottesville in August of 2017. What he saw was the media misquoting then-President Donald Trump, out of context, to invent the “very fine people” lie, painting Trump as a foaming racist. Who know who belongs in that category? The androgynous idiot who ran up on the stage at the DNC reception party held Sunday night to scream a Jew-hating rant.

Tens of thousands of anti-Israel protesters–all from the left–are showing up to march and disrupt the DNC. But Biden only cares about Jew haters when they come from the other party.

Extremists coming out of the woods, carrying torches, their veins bulging from their necks, carrying Nazi swastikas and chanting the same exact antisemitic bile that was heard in Germany in the early ’30s. Neo-Nazis, white supremacists, and the Ku Klux Klan, so emboldened by a President then in the White House that they saw as an ally. They didn’t even bother to wear their hoods. 

Such hypocrisy. But then again, Biden has been a hypocrite for 50 years. It’s what he is and what he does. Biden said “COVID not longer controls our lives,” after it was Democrats who closed our schools for almost two years while Republican-led states were back and schools began to reopen by the fall of 2020. “Wages up and inflation down.” It’s like he lives in Looney Tunes world.

The crowd cheered at every opportunity as Biden read his own eulogy, presided over by the Harris campaign and Barack Obama. The Biden team couldn’t stand the Harris campaign (they still can’t). The only people they hate worse is Obama.

Kamala and Tim understand that this nation must continue to be a place of possibilities. Not just for the few of us, but for all of us. Join me in promising your whole heart to this effort. And where my heart will be, I promise I’ll be the best volunteer Harris and Walz’s camp have ever seen. 

Another lie. Biden departed the convention so he didn’t have to share the room with the one person he can’t stand: Barack Obama. He was forced into an early political grave (let’s face it, he shouldn’t have ever been president) by his own party, after being passed over by Obama in 2016. Biden left to cheers of “Thank you, Joe!” It turned to dust in his ears.

The only kind of party that knifes its own leader then forces that man to give a speech lauding his own betrayal…well that’s reminiscent of a man named Georgy Malenkov. He was the Soviet official who briefly replaced Joseph Stalin. The Party replaced Malenkov with Nikita Khrushchev, but forced Malenkov to stick around long enough to give his own eulogy. At least Malenkov wasn’t given the same treatment as many who opposed Lavrentiy Beria: a bullet to the back of the head.

The party of price controls, lies, and Jew-hatred can add Soviet-style cruelty to its list of horribles. We won’t be seeing much of old Joe anymore. He’s done.

Follow Steve on Twitter @stevengberman.

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