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If the Biden-Kamala administration can increase the price of eggs by nearly 50 percent, imagine the damage she could do if selected as the POTUS.

Due to Kamala’s tie-breaking votes in passing the Inflation Reduction Act and the American Rescue Plan Act, Americans are paying the price, literally. Additionally, she just released a statement TODAY announcing that she is “proud to cast the tie-breaking vote.” She also claims this “strengthens the middle class by lowering costs, creating jobs, and advancing opportunity” but your empty wallet speaks otherwise.

I don’t have to tell you that the cost of living has gone up, while your purchasing power has gone down. The media does not have to tell you that and the White House does not have to tell you that. That is because you are living that but it does not hurt for Trump to remind us that Harris is just getting started.

Inflation is an interesting issue for Harris because she has to campaign against the calamity she caused, while also claiming that inflation is a myth and that even though you are struggling to make ends meet, she plans on gaslighting you into believing she “lowered cost.” However, in the same breath, she also blames corporations for “price gouging” so she ends up wrestling with herself while trying to point the finger and deny there is even an issue.

That’s a dumb way to win over swing voters because Americans are paying nearly $12,000 more just to make ends meet and this is the first time in History where 60 percent of parents had to choose between paying bills or school supplies. So she can lie and gaslight all she wants but everyone old enough to vote has lived under both her and Trump and money speaks louder than words.

Additionally, Harris thinks she’s God and knows more about controlling prices even though she is responsible for the cost of everything going up. So her solution to her mess is to double down.

According to The Post Millennial:

Food inflation has increased more over the first 42 months of the Biden-Harris administration than it has under any other president since Jimmy Carter, and is the third-largest increase over the first three and a half years of a presidential term behind Nixon’s second term and Carter’s record, according to data dating back to 1952.

In comparison, during the first 42 months of Donald Trump’s presidency, grocery costs increased by just 6.3 percent.

It’s frightening to think about the damage one vote can do but this is all because of her doing and it’s pathetic that the media gives her a pass for ruining so many people’s lives. The fact that the press is treating her like the second coming of Christ when she created more inflation than Carter proves not only that they are propagandists, but truly the enemy of the people.

It’s really infuriating to imagine how many Americans are suffering because of her but it’s even worse that the media does not care.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com