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Biden has dedicated his entire presidency to raising taxes on everyone with a pulse. Additionally, Kamala Harris was the tie-breaking vote that passed the Inflation Reduction Act, which allowed the IRS to go after service industry tips. However, despite never mentioning that she wants to lower taxes on anyone, Harris has copied Trump’s stance on not taxing tips and claims she is all of a sudden on that bandwagon.

Karine Jean-Pierre is also pretending the Biden-Harris administration “absolutely” backs this idea even though they have done everything possible to take more money from Americans.

Actions speak louder than words and Sleepy Joe could literally sign an executive order right now to stop taxes on tips but the last thing this administration wants to do is give the government less money.

Biden’s policies have resulted in less cash for service industry workers, not only through taxes but through less revenue, as people cannot afford to eat out like they used to.

According to a 2023 Fox News article, the “Service Industry Tip Compliance Agreement (SITCA) program” is a “tip reporting system in which the IRS and service industry companies cooperate.”

In other words, the administration hired over 80,000 news IRS agents to go after the little guy, while they spend your hard-earned cash overseas.

Is that really the “compassionate” thing to do?

Taxing income is one of the most tyrannical things this country condones and the left believes your hard-earned cash should not be yours to keep, as the fruits of your labor are better spent on foreign wars, according to them.

Kamala was the vote that was responsible for dramatically increasing prices by over 20 percent and now she is pretending she wants the average American to keep more of their income, which is the most disingenuous lie, as she copies Trump and campaigns against her record.

It was Kamala’s vote that turned $1 into 83 cents, not Trump’s, and it’s pathetic that she is acting like she will fix the mess SHE created.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com