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There is not a single person in the entire world who would ever want to be Tim Walz, which probably includes Tim Walz. However, Jen Psaki argued otherwise in one of the dumbest observations of this election.

According to the Daily Caller:

“I think as soon as we saw [Vance] speak at the convention, which fell completely flat, it was clear that he was not the sparkler that maybe people in the Trump campaign thought he was,” Psaki said on “Morning Joe.” “And [former Democratic Missouri Sen.] Claire McCaskill said this thing the other day that I’m just going to steal and credit her for that I think really defines it, Tim Walz is who J.D. Vance wants to be, which is probably why Tim Walz is driving Donald Trump so crazy. He is legit, authentically a midwestern regular guy you can talk to in a hardware store. That’s not who J.D. Vance actually is even if that is who he presents himself as on paper.”

At the end of the day, neither Trump nor Kamabla will lose votes because of their VP picks and to suggest Trump is obsessed with Walz is such a retarded thing to say.

And nothing says inauthentic than two rich, liberal, white women talking about what rural, midwesterners want.

Brzezinski then cited Vance’s past criticisms of Trump, particularly during the 2016 election. Vance reportedly pondered whether Trump is “America’s Hitler” in a private Facebook message to a friend in 2016 and referred to himself as a “Never Trump guy” during an interview with Charlie Rose in that same year, according to Politico.

So are these people just going to forget that Kamabla called Sleepy Joe a racist because “it was a debate?” No one cares about any of that crap, especially because it was almost 10 years ago and a lot of people change their opinion as time goes on.

There are probably way more “never Trumpers” from 2016 who will vote for Trump than there are RHINOS who will vote for Kamabla.

“Yeah, look, I think in politics, as we all know we’ve all been around it a long time, voters, the American public, can sniff inauthenticity,” Psaki said. “This guy is not authentic. He’s not who he is, he doesn’t like Trump, he’s not presenting himself as who he was for many decades before he had this kind of about-face in order to try to connect with the MAGA world. People sniff that, they recognize it, voters are not dumb, they’re smart. And that’s a route problem for J.D. Vance is that he’s just not authentically who he presents himself to be at all.”

The only people who care about that are people who were never going to vote for Trump anyway. If people are voting solely based on the economy, something like who Vance liked in 2016 won’t matter, and the nerve for these two out-of-touch liberals to claim that matters is “inauthentic.”

How can anyone watch this crap? These people talk about nothing of significance and it’s pathetic.

Oh, “VoTeRs CaRe If VaNcE lIkEd TrUmP iN 2016.” Get real.

She is correct about one thing, which is that voters are “not dumb” and thus, they won’t be fooled by such “inauthentic” claims.

– YouTubewww.youtube.com