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It does not take many votes to win a state in a presidential election, and the fact that Democrats do everything in their power to not give people fate in the process makes it so much more concerning. The reason people claim dead people vote Democrats is because they refuse to clean up voter rolls. And the fact that they pretend voter ID is racist only adds to the illegitimate process. Additionally, these people are fighting to let in up to 15,000 illegal aliens a day, which only adds to the concern.

I am not saying that undocumented migrants are voting, but I am saying if they were to vote it would 1,000 percent be for Democrats. This is why a video of foreign nationals, who should not even be voting in our elections, admitting they are registered to vote, adds to what everyone already knew, which is that our voting system is a pathetic failure and it’s impossible to trust the results.

It’s pretty hilarious how the journalist asked if they registered to vote at work, considering these people obviously don’t have a job, as proven by the fact that half of them are too fat to move.

They admitted to being registered and to have already voted. The fact that no one cares enough to investigate this is even more telling.

There are a million ways Democrats “rig” an election, which includes trying to jail Trump and their pathetic attempts to take him off the ballot. That’s in addition to them getting rid of their nominee after it was obvious he was losing.

When did these non-citizens get here and when did they register? Did they vote in the 2020 election? If so, that’s extremely concerning, yet not surprising.

If “elected” officials cared about winning fair and square there would be bipartisan outrage over this video. But all we hear are crickets and no one cares. However, don’t worry, I am sure this will be the most secure election in American history.

Crowder Closes: If There’s Not a Wall, It’s Not Extreme Enough!www.youtube.com