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I forget where I read this. But according to one of the anonymous sources speaking to some journalismer, the thought process behind Kamala Harris’s VP pick is to pick a white guy. Their rationale is that since white men are “too racist and sexist” to vote for a “black” woman, having a white male running mate will give other white men “permission” to vote for Kamala. If you are shocked to see how little the weird progressive Left (aka mainstream Democrats) think of white men, check out White Dudes for Harris.

Similar to White Women for Harris, it was a struggle session to shame and guilt people into voting for her and apologizing for whatever “whiteness” is. Also, to attack masculinity as something that is too “masculine.” Seriously. Check out Man-bun in the montage.

This point is driven home by such sultans of soy as Olaf, the old dude from the Disney Star Wars movies, and former child star David Hogg.

But the highlight, or lowlight, was possible VP candidate Pete Buttigieg. Kamala Harris’s entire campaign is based around abortion and making it so that abortion is on demand, at any point, no questions asked. It’s usually viewed as a women’s issue, or a single woman’s issue, to be more specific. According to Buttigieg, it’s a white dude issue too.

Abortion gives white dudes more “freedom.”

White dudes should support Kamala Harris because if they do, they can knock up broads with impunity and not have to worry about having a baby. Because the woman can just abort it. Harris/Buttigieg ’24.

Not surprising. This is the same guy who once quoted the Bible to defend infanticide.

The rest of the call was unintentional hilarity.

Pete Buttigieg was disgusting.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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