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It’s unclear why many on the left become enraged when mentioning that Kamala Harris is nothing more than a DEI pick, at best, especially because they are the ones beholden to this ideology. Nonetheless, that’s exactly what she is and precisely why over 160,000 White women attended a Zoom call to “check their White privilege” and “blind spots” to “learn and unlearn”.

It’s unclear what any of that means, especially because they don’t even understand what it means, but it’s clear that these people have no idea that the government works for them and not the other way around.

According to The Post Millennial”

“As white women, we need to use our privilege to make positive changes. If you find yourself talking over or speaking for BIPOC individuals – or God forbid correcting them – just take a beat, and instead, we can put our listening ears on,” said Arielle Fodor, one of the women leading the training.

In other words, because Harris has an arbitrary skin color and the people attending the call also have an arbitrary skin color, those with the latter must never call out the Vice President on anything she does or says, no matter how foolish it is.

One of the problems with that is that’s not how our government is intended to work. It does not matter what skin color the Vice President is, especially considering no one elected her, because she is to answer to the people and not the other way around. Just because she’s a DEI pick, does not mean she gets special treatment.

She works for the people and not the other way around. She is supposed to listen to what we have to say and the fact that these people claim that insignificant birth traits have something to do with this is precisely why they have created DEI picks.

If you cannot handle the heat, get out of the kitchen.

Can these people be any more pathetic?

The Zoom call, dubbed “White Women: Answer the Call,” was attended by more than 164,000 white women to learn how to support the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, which included “celebrity” appearances from notorious America-hating former women’s soccer player Megan Rapinoe, singer and songwriter Pink, and actress Connie Britton, who joked during the training that they should be called “Karen’s for Kamala.”

“As white people, we have a lot to learn and unlearn,” continued Fodor. “So, do check your blindspots.”

How can you unlearn something that has already been learned? What does that even mean?

It appears that they can get more pathetic, as one should never underestimate the sheer stupidity of these mentally incompetent individuals.

And that’s not an opinion, they are mentally incompetent, as there is a reason they never mention Harris’ competence or lack thereof.

“You are responsible for your algorithm, believe it or not. Intentionally seek out and share content from BIPOC creators, activists, thought leaders. They should be the leaders of conversations about race, injustice, and equity. So, just whatever you do, don’t stay silent on the issues of injustice,” said Fodor.

“We’re going to get it wrong sometimes,” she continued. “So, be ready for feedback and listen when you’re corrected and model doing your best to repair harm that’s done. Because a lot of the time being an ally means being willing to be uncomfortable and no one is more comfy than someone talking to their bigoted family members.”

The nerve of these people to label others as “bigoted” when they have already labeled an entire race as racist is the most bigoted thing I have ever heard. Especially considering they are part of a deranged religion that adheres to the idea that “BIPOC” women are not able to succeed in life without the help of White, Liberal women, and nothing is more racist than that.

We are not ready for the cringe-fest that is to come this election season, as these people are only getting started.

Crowder Closes: They Just Stole This- Why Aren’t You Mad?www.youtube.com