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We here at the Louder with Crowder Dot Com website stand by the poll released by Brodigan Statisticalizationizing Associates. Donald Trump is two points down, with only five points up for grabs. The polls will stay that way until November 6th. Those were the polls vs. Biden. Those are the polls vs. Kamala. However, if Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) think that she’s an easy victory against Trump, to quote the woman herself, LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!

Harris has always been terrible. She and the Biden camp have beefed for the entire term. And, as late as November of last year, the same people demanding Biden drop out were calling on HIM to replace Kamala.

Now we start anew with Trump vs Kamala. Everything starts at zero. The rub is, it’s not like Harris wasn’t already ON the ballot and pollsters weren’t already polling her head-to-head against Trump in anticipation of Biden dropping out.

Up until the day Biden dropped out when Kamala was already measuring the curtains in the Oval Office, Trump was up by nine and crushing her with Independents.

Statewide polls too.

CBS News released a poll that, besides having Trump up with 51% of the vote, has Kamala’s approval rating UNDERWATER by 16 points. 42% approve, 58% disapprove.

We know what all this means. Four months of a carefully concocted blatant PR campaign to make Kamala appear likable and “cool,” and claiming any criticism of her is either racist sexism or sexist racism. Take your pick. I won’t get into Charli XCX and GenZ slang. Apparently, saying “Kamala is brat” means something different in 2024.

None of this is to say that Right should take anything for granted. I wish our side would take the possibility that Trump can still lose this (and fairly) seriously. It’s why I say ignore every media poll and spend the next four months as if Trump is two points down.

But when the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) try to claim there is a “movement” around Kamala and that she is the one that Democrats have been unburdened by waiting for, LOL no.


Brodigan is Grand Poobah of this here website and when he isn’t writing words about things enjoys day drinking, pro-wrestling, and country music. You can find him on the Twitter too.

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