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One of the most irritating things about Climate activists is that if what they demanded came to fruition, it would have to bypass democracy and be forced on the masses. They don’t care if authoritarian or draconian measures have to be taken, so long as they feel they can control the wind. So it’s no shocker that they are promoting the most undemocratic thing by protesting in front of the DNC headquarters, demanding Biden drop out of the race.

Do you think these people care what Democratic voters want?

First, the left tried to get Trump off the ballot and that didn’t work. Then they realize it’s nearly impossible for Biden to beat him so now they want their candidate off the ballot.

Wow. A lot of fire is being set to Democracy to save Democracy. But I guess you can’t have Democracy when Democracy is at stake. Duh.

According to The Guardian

“Nominating Biden is a recipe for electing Trump,” said Michael Greenberg, founder of Climate Defiance, a climate group known for its attention-grabbing actions. “For the sake of the climate and our democracy we need to choose a nominee who can win in November. That person is not Joseph Biden.”

In other words, these people are demanding the DNC bypass democracy so that they can bypass Democracy and not have Trump become democratically elected, all in favor of democracy.

The lack of logic is unsurprising and it’s technically a huge slap in the face to Biden, who has wasted billions on climate change NGOs but I digress.

Biden has spent over $1 trillion and done nothing for the “climate crisis” but these weirdos likely want someone who is even further to the left, as you can never be progressive enough for these people.

Too bad for them and their pathetic protest, Biden is defying all demands from top Democratic officials and has yet to drop out of the race.

As of writing this, it’s Friday. A lot can happen over the weekend and it’s unclear who will undemocratically be the Democratic candidate in an election that may or may not end Democracy. And it’s comical that these protestors are certain they should be the ones to decide that.

Debunking Climate Change Myths | Louder With Crowderwww.youtube.com