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Greetings from Japan CR Members!!

This is a boots-on-the-ground review of the rally against the WHO Pandemic Treaty which I attended in Tokyo’s Hibiya Park last Friday (5/31). I was joined by two other CR members from Osaka whom James knows.

First, the turn-out was massive! That’s rare in a country where conformity and consensus are considered virtues. The organizers (The World Council for Health, Japan) were expecting 50,000 attendees, and I think they got pretty close. It’s hard to tell because Hibiya Park has a circular layout with several inner circles separated by trees and ponds. When we got to the park at 12:30 PM last Friday, the entrance area was already full, and I was stunned to see people way in the distance, half a kilometer away, intertwined among the natural beauty of the park.

Anway, it’s not the number of attendees that matters. It was the sensation of walking among thousands and thousands of like-minded people that I will never forget. It’s sometimes easy for we Awakened few to feel isolated from family and friends who just don’t vibrate on our level. To be surrounded by thousands of kindred spirits was such an encouraging feeling.

There was a nighttime session on the same day at the auditorium in Hibiya Park, and I had the distinct honor of watching from backstage with Dr. Masayasu Inoue – one of keynote speakers. Again, the venue was filled to capacity (3,500 people), although the overflow into the park had waned considerably. There were speeches by the organizers and a few skits by comedians whom I don’t know. The highlight, however, was a simulcast with the organizers and keynote speakers at the event in Geneva: Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Mallone, Dell Bigtree, et al. Each spoke for 2-3 minutes, and the majority of them used their time to thank Japan for taking a stand against the Treaty and to encourage continued resistance.

One of the most motivating speeches as given by Philipp Kruse (LLM), the Swiss lawyer, who talked about there being no justice if everyone simply complies. Dell Bigtree mentioned his ICAN network’s backing RFK – “the only Presidential candidate who vows to take on Big Pharma.” I don’t think many people in Japan are even aware that RFK is running. And Dr. Meryl Nass, a frequent guest on CR, gave a recorded speech about the dangers of an unchecked WHO. That got a very positive reception.

As for media coverage… crickets. Not a single mainstream media outlet in Japan dared cover this massive rally. We know who they are beholden to and why, don’t we? Japan is tapped to produce the replicon vaccine, and I’m sure you’ve heard that old Japanese proverb about what happens to the nail that sticks out.

Anyway, we shall see what finally transpires with this WHO Pandemic Treaty. Fingers crossed that it gets watered down to the point of simply washing away from the annals of history.

Blessings from Osaka,

Dr. Noh

Our persistence must match their persistence. Don’t lose heart.