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Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) addressed the highly dubious claims of former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly whose allegations that former President Donald J. Trump admires Hitler have fueled a pre-election psyop campaign.

Kelly, who is obviously bitter and disgruntled after being fired by Trump, has been given universal credibility by the media in a late effort to kneecap the former president with voters and his evidence-free claims being treated as though they were written on stone tablets by God himself and carried down from Mount Sinai.

But Rubio isn’t buying it and during an appearance on “Fox News Sunday” he accused the retired Marine general along with Trump-hating former Joint Chiefs of Staff head Mark Milley of being bald-faced liars who are more motivated by their self-interests than being truthful with the American people.

(Video Credit: Fox News)

After anchor Shannon Bream rolled a clip of Kamala Harris citing Kelly to claim that Trump is just like Hitler, Rubio said “No one believes these things,” adding that former Trump administration officials know that they won’t be able to rake in big bucks in the private sector if they don’t turn against their former boss.

The ranking member of the Senate Intelligence Committee also pointed out that many of the same Democrats who are now firmly behind Kelly over his highly questionable Hitler obsession previously attacked him and called him names and in the case of former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, “launched an investigation into him when he worked for Donald Trump.”

“How interesting that these claims that were made this week pop up with a week-and-a-half to go before the election,” Rubio continued. “If you, in fact, believed, as some of these people claim, that Donald Trump is all these horrible things — Nazi, fascist, all these crazy terms they throw around — why didn’t you stand up and walk out of that White House or that administration the moment you heard those terms?”

“Why didn’t you say that at that time and not wait till after the fact? Those are questions that are never going to get asked because this is entirely a political hit job where these people are trying to elevate themselves to become more employable and be able to make more money. And it’s also timed perfectly so that they can ask her about it on CNN, and she can make the answer that she made,” he said of Harris. “So she’s not focused on her record, or her plans because they’re just the same as Joe Bidens and they’re full of failure.”

“Do you think people like General Milley, like John Kelly, are lying?” Bream asked.

“Yes, I do,” Rubio answered.

“But even if they aren’t lying, or even, let’s say, you don’t want to call them a liar, I would say it’s very dubious to see these accusations coming at the very last minute right before an election,” he added. “These are the kinds of thing, you know, somebody says that in front of me, I say it right away, I walk out, I resign, I leave. They didn’t do any of those things.”

“And I think it’s hypocritical to see a bunch of Democrats who spent months, weeks, trashing these people — particularly in the case of John Kelly — trashing him, saying that he was corrupt, that they accused him of potentially being a Nazi at one point as I remember,” Rubio recalled. “They attacked him over some Civil War comments that he made, they were horrible to him. So all of a sudden now these people, this guy who they hated and said horrible things about, now he is the standard of proof here, he is, the absolute final word on these topics.”

“I just think anything like this that’s coming out at the last minute being strategically planted is nothing but an effort to have an impact on this election,” he concluded. “Because what Kamala Harris is not gonna talk about is the fact that for four years, she’s been the vice president of potentially, if not the single worst administration for this country and for Americans in my lifetime.”

Chris Donaldson
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