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An MSNBC host – any host on any part of their broadcast – pondering, “I don’t know how we got here” carries the deepest of irony. It’s like the arsonist wondering how the fire started.  


On Sunday, Trump loaded Madison Square Garden for a rally. The left decided that because Nazis had a rally almost a hundred years ago at another Madison Square Garden, Trump’s rally must be the doppelganger for the Nazis. It wasn’t of course. The clips I saw were of a lot of people having fun. But the cultist on the left needed to keep chanting “Nazis,” so they glommed onto a comedian’s off-color jokes.   

Racists! The comedian apparently made fun of Puerto Rico. Humm. In 1960, West Side Story featured a dance routine of Puerto Ricans who had fled their island for the island of Manhattan. The Puerto Rican women sang about the island being a dump. “Sink back into the ocean.” 


Why hasn’t the left canceled West Side Story? Racists!  

Earlier in October, I wrote about James Carville hyperventilating. He was one of the first to claim that Trump using the “new” Madison Square Garden was the return of the brownshirt Nazis. All the cultists needed was some off-color jokes and they had their hook. It was a stupid leap, but that’s what legacy media does now. That’s what CNN and MSNBC do. Every day. All day. They are all in a panic that they haven’t moved the needle enough with the “Trump’s a FASCIST!” remarks so they had to wait for the rally to conclude. They needed something, anything, and all they had was a comedian’s routine.    


My buddy Nick Arama wrote about MSNBC turning the rhetoric up to an 11. MSNBC ran black-and-white footage of the Nazis and juxtaposed that with Trump’s rally. It was really a bad-faith political ad for Harris. It was a “Daisy” of BS fearmongering. 

“But that jamboree happening right now, you see it there on your screen in that place, is particularly chilling because in 1939, more than 20,000 supporters of a different fascist leader, Adolf Hitler, packed the Garden for a so-called pro-America rally,” the anchor said while rolling the footage. 

Notice the insane presumption that Trump is a “fascist” leader and being “pro-America” is somehow equated with Nazism. According to MSNBC, then most Americans are Nazis.  

They speak about a Jewish person being beaten at the Nazi rally, but put the Trump headline over the top of it as well as the Trump rally picture behind it. 

 Gosh, Barack, how did we get so divided? No mirrors used. 

Monday rolled around and Morning Joe’s twin clowns, Joe Scarborough and his sidekick Mika had their take. Mika put her crayons down and glumly waded into the swamp of stupid. Ever the bright bulb, Mika wondered, “How did we get here?”


A Brit writing for The Daily Beast repeated Mika’s genius observations:

“It’s not just, ‘Oh my gosh’ about the race, it’s ‘Oh my gosh—how did we get here?’” Brzezinski said. “How did we get here, where a stadium of people come to hate? That’s a different country, a different time.”

Yeah it’s quite the mystery, Mika.