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Did you know that Donald Trump is Hitler?

If you haven’t heard it, you really should pay attention. 


Did you know that Hitler painted too? He did!

Trump is so Nazi that he held a rally at the exact same place where the New York Knicks and New York Rangers play and where the Democratic Party nominated JFK, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. Nothing says Nazi like Jimmy Carter and the Knicks. 

I know that this is a Nazi rally because Tulsi Gabbard, RFK Jr., Elon Musk, and even the painter who entertained the crowd while they were waiting HOURS to see Trump speak are obvious Nazis. 

All the Jews, Hindus, Christians, and Muslims who have banded together in their Christiannationalistnaziwhitesupremacitst hate for…somebody…are gathering in a place where Nazis met 85 years ago is proof that Trump is going to round up the harridans of The View and shoot them or something. 


It’s not just MSNBC. It’s the entire left who are pointing out the obvious fact that the entire MAGA movement is filled with Nazis of all races and religions. They are united by something dark indeed: love of America and a desire to see Americans succeed. 

America needs to be decolonized! Can’t you see that? Don’t deport the European-descended brown people. Deport the European-descended white people! Not the progressive ones of course. Those are the virtuous ones who want to collaborate with the decolonizers. 

A hundred thousand people gathered to profess their support for Orange Hitler. Twenty thousand inside the Garden and 80,000 outside. It was a Nazi rally that looked even more scary than a Taylor Swift concert. Did you know that Taylor Swift, too, sold out Madison Square Garden? I mean, come on, look at her. She is clearly a Nazi. 


Have you ever seen a whiter, blonder, more blue-eyed Nazi than Taylor Swift? The tell is Madison Square Garden. Anybody who ever goes there is literally endorsing Hitler. 

Trump’s Hitler act is so obvious that when he speaks of Americans, he divides us into ever more granular groups, just like you see in the Progress Pride flag. One stripe or symbol for every type of genital and genital preference. 

All the Best™ people–you know, the people who want to unify us with JOY! and move America FORWARD! into a bright future where half of Americans are banished from polite society–assure me that Orange Man Bad. 


We need to live in a world where Dick Cheney and Kamala Harris join hands to…what? I’m not sure because they won’t tell us, but it will surely involve American troops dying somewhere Americans don’t care about. 

We have Halliburton to save! And the security state, too. 

Trump even has Elon Musk on his side, and Musk hates people so much he wants to LEAVE THE PLANET itself. His hatred is so deep and abiding that he has invented entirely new technologies, which surely will be used to wipe everybody he doesn’t like off the map. 


I once belonged to a political party that stood for something. Lying to invade Iraq comes to mind (yes, I defended Bush at the time, until I realized I was lied to). The Republicans used to be the tails side of the Establishment coin, but now they are determined to break the mold and empower the people. 


Now I see nothing but Nazis everywhere because all the Right™ people tell me I should. It’s dispiriting. I am sticking with Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Bill Kristol, Larry Sabato, Barack Obama, Michelle Obama, and, of course, everybody who told me truthfully that the Steele Dossier was real, the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation, and Joe Biden is sharp as a tack. 

You know, the truth-tellers who tell me that Trump is Orange Hitler and my neighbors are Nazis. 

Kamala Harris has a plan for America. She is going to…what? She won’t say, but it will be even better than Joe Biden’s plan that served us so well. 
