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Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance and CNN anchor Jake Tapper spar on the network’s State of the Union in a taped interview for Sunday. (Credit: CNN Screenshot)

Senator JD Vance (R-OH) put on yet another masterclass performance during the Sunday talk shows, once again proving why President Trump’s decision to select him as his running mate was a stroke of genius.

Vance appeared as a guest on far-left CNN anchor Jake Tapper’s Sunday morning show State of the Union, where he was repeatedly peppered with questions of little relevance to the 2024 Presidential campaign. A cranky Tapper showcased a bad attitude throughout the interview as he angrily misleadingly questioned Vance over Trump’s pointed statements about his Democrat enemies and covering for former Trump officials turning on the 45th president.

But he was left in shocked bemusement once Vance was finished with him. First, Vance exposed why so many of these sellout former officials are targeting Trump.

The Republican VP candidate revealed that these officials thought they could control Trump but were left furious when he ably resisted their dreams of never-ending wars overseas.

Sensing the gravy train ending for their defense contractor cronies and seeing no future for themselves, the ex-officials have proceeded to launch an all-out effort to destroy Trump. Still, a triggered and clueless Tapper actually accepted their opposition as principled.


TAPPER: So all ten people, including the former vice-president, uh, Mike Pence; all of these people have this horribly damaged worldview, and they’re all just going after Donald Trump because they want to send people into war. That’s really your argument?

VANCE: Absolutely, that is my argument!

TAPPER: These aren’t conservative Republicans who are concerned about Donald Trump?

VANCE: All of these people came into office thinking they could control Donald Trump when he said he wanted peace in the world.

TAPPER (chuckles in disbelief): They thought they could control Donald Trump? Really?

VANCE: When they found they couldn’t, they all turned on Donald Trump.

Vance also shut down Tapper over CNN’s lies about Trump, including the Russia hoax in 2016, which gave gullible liberals the impression that Russian authoritarian president Vladimir Putin and Trump were conspiring to fix the election.

VANCE: Ask yourself a basic question about network integrity. You guys talked about the Russia hoax nonstop…

TAPPER: The FBI was investigating it and so we covered it.

VANCE: So, you took the words of unnamed FBI agents and put them on the network as if they were the gospel…A viewer of your network would have believed Trump and Putin would have conspired in 2016. That was totally and preposterously false.

TAPPER: What you just said was false…

VANCE: You covered it in a way that gave credence to anonymous sources and accusations. You did it yourself. Your network did it!