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Donald Trump made a fascinating admission about UFO sightings during his interview with Joe Rogan.

Trump sat down with the most popular podcast host in the world Friday for a three hour interview as the campaign surges into F against Vice President Kamala Harris.

There are many moments from the interview gaining attention and moving the needle, but there’s one about UFOs that seems to be flying under the radar (no pun intended).

Objects have been seen way faster than America’s greatest fighter jet.

Donald Trump talks about UFOs with Joe Rogan.

During the interview, the 45th President and possibly the 47th President noted “there’s a lot of interest in people coming from space.”

That comment obviously sparked a lot of interest, and that’s when the Republican leader made a pretty shocking claim. He said he’d been told about UFOs flying four times faster than an F-22.

“I interviewed jet pilots that were solid people. Perfect, I mean, great pilots, great everything. And they said, ‘We saw things, sir, that were very strange.’ Like a round ball, but it wasn’t a comet or a meteor. It was something — and it was going four times faster than an F-22, which is a very fast plane, you know, and it was round. Which, is in theory, a great shape,” Trump told Joe Rogan when talking about UFOs.

You can watch Trump’s full comments starting around 2:45:00 in the video below, and let me know your thoughts at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.

For those of you who don’t know, the F-22 is America’s most-advanced fighter jet, and it contains highly-classified technology. The plane is so secretive and powerful that America has never exported it to a single other nation on the planet. Our allies are free to have F-35s, F-16s, F-15s and other planes, but nobody is touching the F-22. Protecting its technology is that important.

It is also believed the stealth fighter has a top speed of 1,500 miles per hour. Simple math tells us that would mean the objects pilots have seen would be flying around 6,000 miles per hour. It’s hard to believe any craft going that fast could carry a human.

That leads us to one very simple question:

What could the pilots have seen?

The answer, of course, is that we have no idea. Could it have been classified military technology? Without question. Is there an answer not of this world? I’m skeptical, but I also like to keep an open mind. What I do know is that the idea something exists that can go four times faster than an F-22 is wild. It’s one of the most fascinating UFO admissions we’ve heard in a long time.

What do you think UFOs are? Let me know at David.Hookstead@outkick.com.