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You can tell Donald Trump is winning and Kamala Harris is losing when Washington Post columnists like Eugene Robinson are lashing out at the liberal media, like they have failed to cover Donald Trump viciously enough, that they somehow haven’t played up former Trump aides calling him a fascist enough. This seems to ignore what the networks and newspapers did this week! 

But they celebrated his angry anti-media column on Morning Joe on Friday. Mika Brzezinski read it with a thrill up her leg: 

Somehow, it is apparently baked into this campaign that Trump is allowed to talk and act like a complete lunatic while Harris has to be perfect in every way. I don’t know the answer to the chicken-or-egg question — whether media coverage is leading public perception or vice versa — but the disparate treatment is glaring.

He’s actually claiming Kamala Harris gets rougher treatment than Trump. Does he need a Breathalyzer test? 

There is disparate treatment — Trump’s covered like a fascist menace, and Kamala’s coverage is overwhelmingly positive. But lefties look at the neck-and-neck polls and decide the media must be failing. Robinson complained about the media’s maltreatment of Harris like he’s a family friend: 

Let’s review: First, Harris was criticized for not doing enough interviews — so she did multiple interviews, including with nontraditional media. She was criticized for not doing hostile interviews — so she went toe to toe with Bret Baier of Fox News. She was criticized as being comfortable only at scripted rallies — so she did unscripted events, such as the town hall on Wednesday. Along the way, she wiped the floor with Trump during their one televised debate.

Trump, meanwhile, stands before his MAGA crowds and spews nonstop lies, ominous threats, impossible promises and utter gibberish. His rhetoric is dismissed, or looked past, without first being interrogated.

There is NO proof that his rhetoric is being “looked past.” The leftist press pounces on his remarks. Robinson came unglued when Dana Bash came out of the mostly soft CNN town hall and dared to say she wasn’t sure she “made the sale.” 

Joe Scarborough argued that nine years later, the media “still don’t know how to cover this guy,” claiming the papers didn’t cover all his comments about using the military against the “enemy within.” That’s not true, either. No one should listen to Joe “Biden’s The Best He’s Ever Been” Scarborough as a guy with a grip on reality. 

Nine years later, pundits like Scarborough are still furious that their harsh opinions of Trump aren’t universally shared. Worse yet, the media have a serious credibility problem. They can see all these feverish fascist stories for the campaign advertising that they are.