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I’ve decided I’m just going to re-up yesterday’s chart showing that leftists are more likely than conservatives to end a friendship over politics because of something J.D. Vance said today: “If you’re discarding a lifelong friendship because somebody votes for the other team, you’ve made a terrible mistake … Don’t cast aside family members and lifelong friendships. Politics is not worth it.”

As yesterday’s chart shows, this advice will fall on a lot of deaf left ears. Why are leftists more likely to allow politics to drive their friendship decisions? A lot of reasons come to mind, but one of them is the extend to which politics has become the substitute religion for a large number of leftists. And when their god (or gods or goddess) has abandoned them—when the immanent replaces the transcendent—leftists become embittered.

You can trace this out with two famous Time magazine covers, published about 25 years apart:

If you read these two cover stories side-by-side, you’ll immediately see that they are the same story. Government, for the progressive, is supposed to be the miracle-working substitute for the dead God. But what happens when the government turns out not to deliver the promised miracles?