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What has wokeness ruined?

– Dalton D. from South of Crater Lake writes: 

The wokes ruined the name of the Oregon State – Oregon Game. It’s been called the “Civil War” since 1929 and in 2020, it went out the door with all our civil liberties in this state. Now I don’t know what the they/thems are calling the game but most people still call it the Civil War even though that’s not said in the paper or on TV. I’m sure we will take the Beaver off the state flag soon because it makes our nutria population feel underrepresented.

Red Man chew is now America’s Best…. I guess that’s better than something like “Indigenous People’s” chew but we got from 1887-2023ish with Red Man being a staple and I thought we were safe. With all the attention they are giving to those “Diesel” leaf blowers (that was hilarious) I didn’t think chew would get looked at, but I was wrong. The gal at the gas station store knows what I’m talking about when I ask for a couple bags of the Red Man.  God bless her.

– Michael V. says: 

For me wokeness has ruined comedies especially when it comes to movies. All of my favorites from the 90s would never be made today. Other than that I try not to let these lunatics have any affect on my life. 

There is no way to please progressives. You can change language, culture, or mascots and they still won’t be happy. They will not stop. The terms “progressive” and “movement” literally means it keeps going further and further. When you control language you control culture and we shouldn’t let it happen. 

They would be a lot happier if they recognized the simple joy of things like football Saturdays and Sundays (which are flying by, dont blink) mixed with cold beverages while being surrounded by good people. 

– Steve C. emails: 

…long-standing names of area public schools, long-standing names of U.S. military bases, professional sports teams (Redskins), destroyed public art and historic statuary along Monument Avenue in Richmond VA, defunded and defamed police, and gasoline usage.

Now one of their rank hopes to become President…yikes!

Jeff Z. gets in on this one: 

I am in huge agreement with female analysts being forced down our throats.  Also the WNBA, everywhere you go they are forcing a mediocre league down our throats.

These go without saying–Cleveland Indians and Washington Redskins!

– Steve W. agrees: 

Keep up the fantastic work and content. The answer to “What’s something I enjoyed that wokeness ruined?” is easy The Washington Redskins!

– Nick C. in Miami writes: 

Three things immediately come to mind:

  • NFL
  • NBA
  • Disney

At the end of the day, I’m glad because the NBA and NFL suck (or so I have read). In addition, I took the Disney annual passes money and invested in Miami Hurricanes season tickets (though that comes with some challenges of its own). 

It took a while but today I miss none of them and my wife is happy to have me all to herself on Sundays during football season. 

– Rick R. just wants to go to a bookstore again without being indoctrinated: 

I went to a Barnes and Noble’s the other day and a tranny show popped up. Green and blue haired he/they/we’d/she’s and it’s all with piercings and face tats. Even all the workers were on board with the BS. I couldn’t buy the newest O’Rielly with all that wokeness going on around me.

Robert DiNero movies

Anything LeFraud James touches


– How about this one from Anonymous: 

Work periodically with this 50 something guy, always assumed he was a bit woke from his Facebook posts anyways the other day he says “I was sitting Indian style, ops crisscross applesauce.” Good grief. 

– Mike T. shares a good one: 

I miss Old school beer YV ads, they are politically correct now!

Sorta sticking with this topic, I was absolutely blown away by one word in an email from my son’s gym teacher

The email was waiting on parents this morning and the old-school gym teacher used the word “Halloween.” 

I couldn’t believe it. 

“The students have been great this Fall, and I look forward to a fun Halloween Week,” the email read. 

What an awesome email. Now, we just need the school to step up and call it Thanksgiving. 

“Harvest party” just doesn’t get me in the holiday spirit. 

My childhood friend used the word ‘retirement’ this morning in a text exchange and it really hit me – I’m not ready! 

He’s a teacher in Louisville, KY and was texting me about how he might get into the VRBO game “after I retire from teaching in 2 years.” 

I’m 3 or 4 days older than him. 

That word “retirement” hit me like a ton of bricks. Are we really at the age where we’re using that word? I get that some of you have to jump on it because you’ve maxed out your retirement earnings potential from the pension board. 

And then I think about my own situation and how much fun I’m having in this job. I get to watch sports, pop culture, the woke Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, Kamala CNN townhalls, create Woke All-Star Challenges and get paid a very nice salary to do it all. 

I also get to do things like going on the road with the Screencaps Ragnar Relay team and play night golf with my buddy Millennial Chris B. in Bowling Green while being paid. 

If I was a teacher, or a cop, I could see 25-30 years being plenty. 

This job? 

They’ll have to fire me, or I’ll have to get crippling arthritis in my fingers – or I’ll have to die sitting here in front of the HQ – before I’ll give up this gig any time soon. 

Life in California under its gas-powered landscaping equipment ban

– Jim T. in San Diego writes: 

California has also banned the sale of new gas-powered landscaping equipment – it’s driving the price of second-hand gas-powered mowers, weed whackers, leaf blowers, etc., up through the roof. It’s like the market for old American-made cars in Cuba: Banning them only makes them more popular, and now there’s an entire economy growing up to service them for years to come. There are a half-dozen places just in my town where they will rebuild your gas-powered engine if you don’t have that skill yourself. 

A few cities nearby have now banned leaf blowers – not just gas-powered, but electric as well, due to “noise pollution.”

But the virtue-signaling move to electric tools hasn’t been thought through any better than the push for electric vehicles: What do you do with all the old batteries?

Plus, the battery technology keeps changing. I have a 20-year old Black & Decker cordless drill that they no longer sell replacement batteries for, and the ones I have no longer hold a charge. So now it’s landfill fodder.

(As a side note, we lost my Dad last November, and I grabbed a large, bench-mounted industrial jigsaw that had been my grandfather’s. Built in the 1930s, my dad put a new power cord on it a few years ago, but everything else is original. Thing runs like a champ. Me and both my sons cut our Pinewood Derby cars for Cub Scouts on that thing. I’m assuming my son will still be using it after every cordless tool in my garage is dead and discarded.)

In a few years, the same virtue-signaling elites who now demand we use battery-powered yard tools will demand we stop using batteries because they’re piling up in landfills and leaching into water supplies.

Do you have to wait for your wife to dig into her food?

Does it take her 15 minutes to start eating a salad like Mrs. Screencaps as she mixes every single piece of lettuce at least 50 times before she’s content to dig in?

– Chris A. writes: 

You mentioned time spent on eating a meal between wives and husbands. I eat my food like someone is chasing me, and my wife “savors”, as she puts it. I try to eat a meal at her pace, and my food gets cold. So I just finish up my meal well before her, and then talk to her the rest of the meal. Win-win.

Mixing up a salad before eating it is a big no for me. I put the dressing on and eat as is. Mixing masks the individual flavors of the ingredients, so it’s all one big dressing bowl. I never understood the chopped salad places that do the mixing for you. No thanks.

Your clip of Fernando finishing up his no hitter included a glimpse of the guy in the light suit and the panama hat with the radar gun behind home plate at Chavez Ravine. I forgot about that guy. He was at every game that I saw on TV. That seat is valuable real estate now.


I remember being mesmerized by the Dodgers radar gun guy and how he seemed like a movie character. Los Angeles, to a kid in Ohio farm country, felt like another planet away. It felt like a place I’d never see in my life. I haven’t made it to Dodger Stadium, but I did make it to the Coliseum before they cleaned up that dump. 

Show off your wood (piles) 

– Rick in Muskego, WI emails: 

More wood in backyard.

Bachelor parties after 35

– LA Don writes: 

‘The perfect Bachelor Party’ (no matter the age. Even though I’m in my mid 40’s, I promise you this is the perfect way to go out as a bachelor) 

In my experience, the best Bach parties are not even called bachelor parties… they are called a valid excuse to have a guys wkend golfing or fishing trip. 

There is one experience I have found cannot be topped…

There was 4 of us. We planned a 4 day trip to Palm Desert CA. We all met on the golf course on a Friday, played our first round, then had dinner in clubhouse. Went back to hotel, sat around together and caught up on everyone’s lives over drinks. Everyone was in bed by 10pm as we had a T time the next morning. Woke up, played 18 and was done by noon. We all headed back to hotel and went to our rooms and napped. One guy went to the pool, as he’s not a napper. We all woke up, and met him at the pool. It was a busy wkend and the pool was packed and chill. We sat in pool and talked till about 7. Then we went back to rooms and got ready for the ngt. This night did not have strippers or clubs in the plans, but a top steakhouse (LG’s in La Quinta, it was 5 stars!). After a phenomenal dinner, we went to the local bar where they had a Sinatra impersonator singing w an actual band. Stayed till about midnight. 

Ubered back to hotel and slept in till about 10. Woke up and all headed to a sports bar where we had a section reserved. Watched NFL games till late… eventually we each started to disappear (picture the end of Oceans 11 w Clooney and Pitt, at the water show at the end they all just went their own ways w out saying much of anything. Just a simple nod and that was it. 

I’ve been to maybe 30 bachelor parties, and to this day… no other wkend has matched the one in Palm Desert CA. Strippers, Vegas and all that cliche crap ends up to be nothing but regrets to both bank account and the crap you got pulled into. Doing a golf or fishing wkend like I mentioned above, also means you head home with nothing to hide or guilt.  


And that’s it for this late-October Thursday, a week out from HALLOWEEN! We’re 24 days into the month and I’m not sure if it has rained in October. It’s been absolutely insane. Next week is going to feel like late August. 

Vikings-Rams is tonight. AND 5-1 Syracuse is at 6-0 Pitt. It’s going to be a big night for those who have multiple TVs. 

Go attack the day. And if this is your final day of work before retirement, make it a good one. Don’t go out taking it easy on your final shift. No regrets. 

Take care. 

Email: joekinsey@gmail.com

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